Chapter 7: Video Games

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I woke up with someone in my room again, but this time it wasn't Dad.

Shigaraki: Morning, sleepyhead.

I sat up and looked at him with anger.

Me: What do you want?

Shigaraki: Straight to the point, I guess. I just wanted to talk.

Me: About what?

He shrugged.

Shigaraki: Nothing much. I just wanted to get to know my little sister.

Me: What?

Shigaraki: Well, Master kind of adopted me, so you're my little sister now.

Me: Okay, not at all weird.

Shigaraki: You're not the only one who thinks so.

We both just sat in silence for a bit, unsure of how to continue the conversation. It took a few minutes, but he eventually spoke up.

Shigaraki: Do you want to play video games?

Me: I've never played any, so I wouldn't know what to do.

He just stared at me in disbelief.

Shigaraki: Okay, I'm getting the tv.

He left via one of Kurogiri's portals and came back with a tv, x-box, a few games and some controllers. Kurogiri also came in with a plate of biscuits and set it on the desk before leaving again. Shigaraki set up the stuff near the bean bags, and I just sat on the bed. After he finished, he beckoned me over and I sat on the bean bag next to him. I decided it couldn't hurt and sat down next to him. He handed me a controller and picked up his own. I noticed the special gloves he was wearing to not destroy it.

Shigaraki: Maybe we should start with this game. It's pretty simple and easy.

He took a disk out of it's case, sliding it into the x-box and turning on the tv. He taught me what the controls were and how to play the game, beating me every match as he did so. We played about three matches before I won. He was right, the game was pretty easy. It was like coding, just put in specific commands to make the character do something. I could also use my combat and analysis skills to predict his moves, earning me more wins.

Shigaraki: Are you sure you've never played this before?

Me: Yup.

Shigaraki: Then how do you have forty seven wins?

I just shrugged.

He took the game out and slid in another one, this time deciding against teaching me how to play. Four rounds later, he lost his win streak. I kept winning until he changed the game, I lost the first few rounds, won every round after that, he'd change the game, and rinse and repeat. We managed to go through every single game he had, and I beat him in all of them.

Shigaraki: How are you doing this?

Me: It helps to have seven years of hacking and coding skills backing me up.

Shigaraki: Why the hell do you need to hack things?

Me: Reasons.

He just stared at me for a bit before I suggested something else.

Me: Okay, we've done something you like. Now for something I like.

Shigaraki: Like what?

I went over to the wall and picked up my ukulele. I turned around with a smile and was immediately met with a bored face.

Shigaraki: No.

Me: Please? We just did something you picked, now it's my turn.

Shigaraki: *sigh* Fine.

I flashed one of my brightness smiles at him. I could tell he was struggling not to smile himself as we both sat down on the bed and I thought of what song to teach him.

Me: Do you know any english?

Shigaraki: Yes. Kurogiri made sure I was getting proper education, so I'm fluent in english.

Me: Great, because I don't know any Japanese songs I can play on ukulele.

Shigaraki: Let's just get this over with.

I taught him the song 'Love Like You' by Rebecca Sugar since that was the first song I learnt. It was pretty simple, with a consistent strumming pattern and not too many different chords (This was the first and only song I learnt and I know a good tutorial, so I'll tell you which one it is in the notes if you're interested). I think he was a little annoyed to learn a love song, but if it works it works. After around three hours of practice, he was doing pretty good. Despite his corse voice, he sang pretty well. He asked me if I could play a song afterwards, and how could I refuse? I picked a song at random, and decided on a short one.

He clapped a little at the end, only widening my smile. He then looked at the alarm clock on the bedside table, frowning a little.

Shigaraki: I've got to go. See ya.

Me: Bye.

He left through a portal and Kurogiri stepped into my room after. He was the one who was giving me dinners and lunches during my... Stay? I wasn't quite sure what to call it. It was technically kidnapping, and I was surrounded and trapped by villains... Okay, maybe stay wasn't the right word. Now that I was thinking about it, I realised I should probably escape. Yeah, that was probably better than spending the rest of my life in that room.


Hello, hurray for friendship! Family! All that stuff! I did say I would mention the tutorial I used for 'Love Like You', so here it is

Just search up 'love like you ukulele tutorial' and look for this. You may need to go to the description for the strumming pattern.
Also, the song I used earlier was 'so much for happy endings' and once again, it is by Madilyn Mei. I imagine her voice is similar to Miyo's, so listening to her songs makes it easy for me to imagine Miyo singing it. Well, see you next chapter!

A Past You Can't Escape (Part 3 of All For One's Daughter & A Little Game)Where stories live. Discover now