Chapter 5: Bonding?

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When I woke up again, he was there. Just sitting at the desk and reading a book. He didn't seem to notice I was awake, so I tried just going back to sleep. I didn't know why, but I was absolutely drained. It didn't work though, he glanced in my direction, smiled, and closed his book before putting it on the desk.

Dad: Good morning, bunny.

Me: Mmfh

I pulled the blanket over my head and faced the wall again. He chuckled at this and walked over. I still wasn't sure about him being near me, so I tried to push myself deeper under the blanket. My 'Miyo' side welcomed him and loved the feeling of having my dad back, but my 'Nightshade' side had all the alarm bells going off. This man was the most powerful villain in Japan and had murdered and toyed with thousands of people. Whenever he got close, the 'Nightshade' part of me screamed at me to book it. Dad pulled the blanket off me and sat next to my curled up body.

Dad: Come on, bunny. Don't be like that.

Me: Don't be a murderer.

He was silent at that. I guess he wanted to do some 'family bonding' or whatever, since he decided to play a game with me.

Dad: How about this: I name someone and you tell me something you like and something you don't like about that person. Can we do that?

Me: ...Only if I get to ask you about people too.

Dad: Okay. I'll go first. Erasure Head.

Me: He saved me in more ways than one.

Dad: And something you don't like?

Me: He keeps getting hurt.

Dad: Alright. Your turn.

Me: Shigaraki Tomura.

Dad: Why him?

Me: He's one of the only active villains I know.

He chuckled a bit at this, but continued.

Dad: Well, he was really cute when I took him in.

Me: You took him in? How come I never knew this?

Dad: I found him on the street and he became a villain. I didn't want you to get caught up in that.

Me: *sigh* Well, something you don't like about him?

Dad: He's kind of a man-child.

Me: Kind of?

Dad: There are times when he's mature. Although they're very few and far between.

Now it was my turn to chuckle and sit up.

Dad: All Might.

Me: He saves a lot of people but he's too loud. My ears are dead every time he yells.

Dad: I don't remember him being that loud.

Me: I've got sensitive hearing.

Dad: Since when did you have that?

Me: I picked it up.

We were silent for a few moments before continuing.

Me: Kurogiri.

Dad: He's quite useful, not only as an exit but also for looking after Tomura.

Me: You mean babysitting?

Dad: ... Maybe. The issue is that he takes everything way to seriously. I can't joke or be sarcastic around him without something happening.

Me: *chuckle*

A Past You Can't Escape (Part 3 of All For One's Daughter & A Little Game)Where stories live. Discover now