Chapter I

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My phone rang with that horrible guitar ringtone I had installed last year, and I didn't know how to change now. My hands suddenly began shaking as I saw who called me, it was Dad. Dad rarely ever called me as he was usually really busy and thought that the Danish tariff was way too expensive. "Don't you wanna pick up?" mumbled Amy, picking out some corn from the horrible side salad that our cafeteria was serving us that day. "Uh- what... sure." I said, slightly swept of my feet by Amy's sudden question. "Hi Dad." I said as I picked up the phone. "Hi Sweetheart. Sorry for not calling." Dad said, and I could hear him smiling through the phone. "No worries. I know I know. The Danish tariff is way too expensive." I cackled, in that last part Dad chanted in with me. And for a moment there was this special silence that only Dads and their kids had. It was the silence where we both didn't know what to say and just wanted to laugh. "So why are you calling me Dad?" I finally asked in a more serious, stern tone. If dad called me, which he- as previously mentioned didn't do a lot, it had to be something important. Dad groaned, after that he sighed. "Your school called me." he said, his danish accent protruding the words making it hard for me to guess wether that was a positive or negative thing. Not to mention that I had to tell my school multiple times, to not call him- or get him involved with any of my school business. As the leader of the biggest heating company in North Europe he was fairly busy.  I began to seriously wonder what would my school even want from Dad. "Why'd they call you?" I asked, now a bit frightened. I hadn't done anything really, my grades were also pretty decent. Sure I wasn't a straight A student like Amy, but I wasn't close to failing classes either. Not to mention that I never got into a fight with anyone. Or did drugs, or anything like that. Mom always called me Mother Theresa because of that. "Well the uh." Dad stuttered, again having trouble with English. "This Blue Mountain School, you and Mor applied to. The one with the horse." he sighed, and I could suddenly remember. I almost forgot about Blue Mountain. Blue Mountain equestrian academy, an academy around two hours away from Banff , one of the leading schools in producing promising Equestrian prodigies. I applied after the winter holidays to attend the school for next year. Since this was the year I'd start high school in America. I suddenly became anxious- I had almost forgot about Blue Mountain school and therefore set back my training a bit. "They said your records are up to their standards. And they like your recent placing  in turnerings." Dad mumbled. "And?" I asked nervously. It could mean two things. They either rejected me but wanted to be really polite about it, or I was accepted. Could it be? No. I couldn't believe it. "And?" I asked again my voice horribly shaking. Dad took a moment to adjust his words, not a good sign. He usually did this when he didn't know a word in English or when he had to tell me something bad. "You were accepted honey, they want to see you riding." Dad yelled and I could hear the genuine happiness. I began smiling and Amy, still sitting opposite to me gave me a confused look, raising her eyebrows. "Really? Are you for real?" I asked Dad. "That's great." I screeched. "Why would I be joking Honey, of course I'm for real." Dad cackled. "I gotta tell Mom and Amy and my trainer." I yelled, Amy looked towards me, and furrowed her eyebrows. "Mor already knows. She got the letter- but go tell your friend Amy." He said quite calmer now, I laughed out loud. I liked how Dad said Amy's name. He always pronounced it Æmy
which gave the 'A' a more short sound. "Ses, Charlie. It's getting expensive to call. See you next week honey." Dad suddenly said. "Ses." I replied back. I smiled as Dad hung up. Amy started laughing. "What did the old man want?" asked Amy, her dimples showing on her soft, rosy cheeks as her smile widened. I sighed. "Aims. You know the school I applied to. 'Blue Mountain'?" I began, Amy always thought that my sheer obsession with making myself a name in the showjumping industry, was silly if not totally stupid. "I know of it Charlie, you practically haven't talked about anything other than your horses and jumping those big dogs over hurdles." she ironically said. "Well I was accepted to the auditions." I said, full of excitement, practically jumping up and down. Amy furrowed her thin brows again as she said: "And? Are you leaving school." I replied quickly: "Yes I mean- no... Well I still have an audition to pass." I stuttered and as much as I was exited to audition and hoped for a place in the school, I had to leave Amy and my other friends. "Well... so you're are just gonna leave me with those idiots." Amy pouted, but I knew she was only half serious. "Sorry Aims." I shrugged. I felt bad for Amy. She didn't have it as easy as I did with finding friends. She often stood in the hallways like a confused deer, Amy had long wavy Auburn hair and freckles that only showed in the summer and she was really tall, taller than some boys in my class even. It wasn't a problem that she took bad care of herself or looked too messy to approach. Amy just had really unfortunate gestures, she made awkward facial expression, and her not having an ounce of shame or social awareness didn't made that any better. But she was an awesome friend once you've looked past that. "Ugh- don't worry Charlie." she put her hands over mine. "I know you've waited for this." Amy sighed. "When are you going?" she then asked. "First weekend of the holidays- 1 and a half week from now." I smiled.

Danish- English translations for this chapter
Mor = Mom, Mother
Ses = bye (informally)
turnerings = tournaments

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