Chapter V

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I brushed Sommi and put her back into her stall. "Good job." said Mom and patted my back. Then we went back inside the Dormitory house. The kitchen still smelled like Pancakes and Cocoa. "Second breakfast?" Mom asked with a huge smile. "Definitely." I yelled. And we went into the cafeteria, which was fully furnished again. Some of the students that had their examination a little later. I could spot Elya. The dressage riders would have their examination in the early evening. I sat next to her, she seemed to be okay with that. "Already finished?" she asked and looked me up and down. I was sweating from the course, my caramel coloured hair, which was made into a low ponytail, hung over my back in damp strings. I nodded and she slid a half metre away. She was probably one of those girls who thought sweat was an infectious disease. I heard her spraying a ton of deodorant on herself this morning. "Can you believe that they built up to 130cm for me?" I asked Elya, partly because I couldn't believe it myself. She said nothing. Before asking: "When is your little friend gonna jump?" at first I didn't know who she meant. "Who?" I asked confused. "Claire- or what was she called." Elya said, obviously she couldn't care less about Claire. "Uh. I think she's in the middle. So I think she's not going until 12. Why?" I said. I wanted to add: 'and we aren't friends' but I didn't. "I just wanna see. She doesn't seem to fit into the whole 'elite school' thing, you know." Elya explained. I shrugged. "How comes that?" I asked, I was curious. Elya shrugged and mumbled: "just generally." Before devoting her attention back to the phone. Mom brought me a plate with some leftover pancakes. "Do you want something aswell." she asked Elya, she obviously had seen me talking to Elya. "No thank you. I don't eat leftovers." she sighed, got up and left the table. Mom shrugged and then dig into her pancakes with some maple sirup. "You're a typical Canadian." I teased her. She laughed out loud. Mom was pretty chill, she wasn't strict or overprotective. Mom had one condition, however. That no matter how much I had, I should treat all people the same. "Wow your roommate seems a bit well..." Mom said, before eating another pancake. "I know." I mumbled. "Charlie?" she said. "Yeah?" I asked. "No matter how Impressive those people seem, don't let them treat you like peasantry." she said, dead serious. "I know Mom- I know." I said a bit annoyed. Sure I loved my Mom. But her preaches on true friendship and love was something that I couldn't- and did not want to stand. But I guess you had to live with it, as daughter of an ex- psychologist Mom. I checked the pinboard again. Blue Mountain Summer party- a sign read. I didn't know they had parties here. Blue Mountain Horse Rally- another one read. I tilted my head, I always had thought that Blue Mountain was this stiff elite school with strict rules, and loads of competition. Which I was not denying. But I didn't knew they held parties and rallies here. Suddenly it became clear, Blue Mountain wasn't this thing so far away, the stiff white buildings. The stables- the high jumps. It wasn't a thing you could look from on the outside. No. It was a real school with real people. A school I might would attend. And it was good to know that the school had fun stuff that I could attend too. After all- if everything worked out I would live here for the most part. "Mom- is it okay if I Watch the other auditioning students?" I asked quietly. "Sure honey, do whatever you want." she smiled and I went outside. I watched a girl with curly hair ride a small pony over a huge parcour, when suddenly Elya tapped me on my shoulder. "Who let this girl, ride a pony like that. Good God." she whispered. "What do you mean by that?" I asked. "She looks way too big for that pony, not to mention that this pony looks like it is about to stop every second." Elya explained. I personally didn't thought it looked that bad but the girl was a little tall for that pony. After the pony girl there was the Weasley girl, whose name was Nora as I figured, on a grey gelding. She started with a slow canter, and I could see her holding the reins more than any other candidate in the round. "What is that girl doing?" asked Elya, judging the Weasley girl thoroughly. "I think she's holding back that horse." I said dumbfounded. Elya gave me a "no shit" look. Nora began riding onto the first jump. She held the grey back until the last second before giving him the release over the jump. The stallion looked like he was about to take off. She sat back down into the saddle, riding towards the next jump- the combination. She rode in a bit messy and then gave her horse enough release to make it over the jumps on its own. She then pulled back the reins the horse was running like a racing horse at this point. "That horse is crazy" said Elya and I nodded. "I feel like the girl is too." I smiled, before whispering: "she has to be- if she rides that horse like this." Elya furrowed her eyebrows.
She continued to ride like that. Before the jumps were put up for her, the same height they were put for me. She rode it a lot better than me though, holding the horse back, instead of letting him run and hoping for the best. Not to mention that her strategy worked wonders. She rode an elegant round. The next rounds were unspectacular. Elya always gave her comments like: " god that looks horrible." or "even I could do it better." I ignored her for the most part. Then we saw our roomate, Claire trotting into the arena, she looked nervous. Her horse had to be as well. He bucked the first time she wanted to canter. But then she managed to canter the tobiano. The tobiano seemed to be a little slower than the other horses before him, but it was nothing to worry about if she just sped him up a bit. What worried me is the fact that She didn't, speed him up. He seemed to be a great horse though, taking the jumps like a champion. "I thought she was worse." Elya said and I nodded, not because I agreed but just for Elya to realise I acknowledge her. She did two rounds and decent heights, in the second round she had one fault though. We picked her up after the ride helping her bringing back the tobiano.

(A/N: sorry that this chapter is delayed, I had so many exams this week and last week :/, i dont know when I will upload chapter VI, but it will come. Thank you for all the positive feedback, and even for the criticism. Love you all- Jenna)

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