Chapter VI

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The evening was chilly. Me and Claire watched the dressage riders, most of whom I knew from one championship or another. Like Benjamin Clover. Benjamin was a few years older than me, 16 maybe 17. He had brought his own horse, Sir Apollo Black, arguably his best horse. I knew he was quite famous. Mainly because of Social Media and his Parents, both famous lawyers. He was riding a dressage round- which seemed horribly difficult to me and Claire. Claire furrowed her brows, she looked at me with her 'what is that' look. As Benjamin rode a perfectly executed extended trot before collecting his black gelding again. He had wonderful gaits and looked like he was flying. Then he went into a collected canter and made three lead changes. "He's really good." Claire whispered. "It's Benjamin Clover. He's excellent." I whispered back. Benjamin slowed down into a collected trot before halting and greeting the dressage teachers. Who nodded and wrote something down. He then exited. We watched the next starter. A young blonde- she must've been either Claire's age or even o. She rode a different route than Benjamin. Though it was almost as difficult. "We should look after Elya." Claire said. I was surprised, that she said that. Elya and Claire hadn't really interacted those last days. "I think she's going to be just fine." I said, trying to avoid conflict. But Claire wasn't going to listen so I followed her, just a bit grumpy. Elya looked like Doll on her horse. And her horses hoofs barely touched the in ground while trotting. Claire waved to Elya but she was either too concentrated or just didn't feel like waving back. A few moments later we heard
"Next please." and it was Elyas turn. The speakers, which I hadn't noticed before said: "Our next candidate, Miss Elya Babineaux on Dexter de Laurent." Elya began trotting around before setting into a smooth and elegant canter and halting in front of the audience. She greeted our teachers before trotting again she then began collecting the trot before doing a full halt, then cantering. She then rode a circle extending her canter. Her whole performance was elegant yet stiff, she looked like a Greek statue.
The rest of the day went on pretty eventless. And so did the next days. We mostly had flat work with some of the teachers. I was decent at flat work, not good. But also not too bad. I could collect my horse. And could canter Sommi without struggling. The teachers didn't pay too much attention to me, which at last I was thankful for. Otherwise they might would've seen me trotting on the wrong foot or how shaky my hands were at times. But they didn't, nor did they say anything. We rode for 45 minutes in groups of five then dismounted and brought our horses back into the stable. Friday rolled around. The final day of our audition, and also the most exciting. It was not revealed what kind of audition it was. All we knew was that it was some kind of showjumping exercise.
"Hello dear esteemed students and dear Parents, today is our very last day of the life auditions. As per usual we like to keep our final task a secret, to test our students adaptability." Miss August said Friday morning. "I'd advise you all to look at the Cafeteria Pin Wall, to find out which group you are in." I shook my head. Why did they have to make such big secret out of the last exam. Mom patted my shoulder. "Nervous?" she asked, "No it's just the biggest chance of my life." I rolled my eyes, and Mom gave me a sympathetic smile. "You're great Charlie, you'll gonna make it with ease." said Mom. I loved her positive affirmations but I wasn't too sure. I looked at the pin wall which was crowded with students. I was in group two among Claire, a boy, and the girl that looked like one of the Weasleys. I went back to my room as Claire came barging in. "OMG, OMG, OMG!!!!" she yelled. "Hm?" I asked, I learned to love Claire's energetic, positive energy in the last days. Though she still annoyed me a bit. "Can you believe that we are in one Group?" She asked me with a huge smile on her face. I nodded and smiled. "Well no, that can't be." I said sarcastic and Claire laughed enthusiastically. "Maybe we'll both get accepted, wouldn't that be just so great."
I smiled. The last test was something surprising, I saw Madame Bouchard setting up some jumps. "Today's last test is a lesson similar to the ones we teach here." she said. Everyone nodded, we were around 6 people in the big inside arena.

Madame Bouchard set up a series of jumps that formed a challenging course, designed to test our skills and adaptability. She stood in the center of the arena, her keen eyes assessing us. "Today, we will focus on precision, control, and fluidity over the jumps. Remember, it's not just about clearing the obstacles, but doing so with grace and composure."
I felt my heart race as I mounted Sommi. Claire was beside me, her face a mix of excitement and nerves. The boy, whose name I didn't know, and the Weasley-looking girl, whose name was apparently Norah, were already mounted, their horses pawing the ground impatiently. Norah rode a grey horse with soft dapples on its fur the boy rode a chestnut stallion who looked to be twice as tall as my and Claire's horses. Miss Bouchard set up an in and out while we were warming up our horses. First trotting than cantering. Then Miss Bouchard set up the order in which we go. "You on the chestnut- first, then the girl on the Pinto, then you on the grey, next on the two dark bays, and lastly you on Sommi." She yelled. It was nice knowing that I wasn't the only one not calling her Sommerflüstern. The boy on the chestnut began with the in and out. And she was barely finished when Madame Bouchard yelled: "Again. Your horse should canter over it, not turn it into a triple." The Boy rode again this time Miss Bouchard didn't say anything. "Next." she exhaled as if we students personally insulted her with our riding. Claire rode next and didn't manage to canter the jumps well. Something that could happen especially when the horse wasn't concentrated. "AGAIN." she screamed furiously. "You and your horse lack engagement." Claire rode again and managed to do a what I considered 'perfect' jump. But Madame Bouchard just sighed. Next was Norah, on the beautiful dappled mare. She rode the in and out perfectly, leaving everyone stunned. Except Madame Bouchard of course who just said: "Passable. Next." The next people were two almost Identical looking dark bay ponies, one was ridden by a girl with hay-coloured hair. They had to go through multiple rounds to get it quite right. And Madame Bouchard was losing it. "NEXT, and the next one better make an okayish round." I was next I cantered Sommi towards the in and out and the first two poles were going perfectly until... the third pole was knocked by Sommis hooves. 'Shit' I thought silently. "Again." Madame Bouchard said, loudly. "You ride sloppily." she added. The whole group gasped. I rode again this time gaining a "Passable" by Madame Bouchard. The rest of the lesson went the same way. Madame Bouchard had similar teaching methods to my riding teacher at home letting me adapt pretty easily. Me and Sommi had an excellent last round in which my striding was close to perfection. Which earned us a "Not Bad" by Miss Bouchard. I smiled as I walked out of the arena holding Sommis reins tightly and giving her a few rewarding pats.

(A/N: I was at the biggest tournament in my life today which gave me a lot of motivation so I hope the next uploads will go smoothly!)

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