The start of hell (Prologue)

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"Go back and finish the job

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"Go back and finish the job."


*When the human returned to the save point, Sans was waiting for them with an impatient look.*

(Credit art made by dupsmj 9610 on DeviantArt)

,Sans sighed,* "Look, kid, just put the knife down and let me—"

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,Sans sighed,* "Look, kid, just put the knife down and let me—"

*Before Sans could finish, the human immediately jumped at him, failing to stab him as he dodged out of the way.*

"Wow, alright, kiddo. I guess there's no use communicating with you," *Sans said, immediately summoning a blaster and firing at the human.* "Ya know, all of this could be stopped if you just put the knife down and reset."

*Meanwhile, the human managed to avoid the blaster and slash at Sans multiple times with little effect as he kept dodging. He used his blue magic to send the human away and used his bones to stab them.*

*Sans thought to himself,* "It's been quite a lot of time since the human has come back again and again to fight me... Honestly, they should have just given up by now, but they keep coming back endlessly... At this point, I will—"

*Sans's thoughts were cut short as a huge slash was directed at him. His eye flashed blue and yellow, immediately teleporting out of the way to avoid the attack.*


"That was the sound made when the slash made contact with something," *Sans muttered, sweating heavily before his expression became serious.*

"Alright, kiddo, guess I'll have to resort to greater means if I want you to give up, huh?" *Sans said as the human jumped at him, trying to stab him, only for Sans to summon a blaster to defend himself.*

"Get dunked on," *Sans declared, using his blue magic to throw the human onto a pillar, forcing them to hit their head first before summoning two blasters and firing them, hitting the human directly.*

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