Breaking the broken.

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Last time...

*After Sans was shown the truth about the genocide and how badly the resets had affected the timelines in the underground, he was left with two choices: do nothing and find himself in this endless loop once more, or take the offer of Dr. Maglus and embark on a genocide himself.*


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*Sans had morals and simply didn't want to slaughter everyone in his way to stop the human from doing it. But as the days passed, Sans was losing his sanity more and more, remembering the resets, having nightmares, and hearing the voice of the mysterious entity all over his mind, always trying to convince him to follow the bloody steps of a demon...* **Time was running out for Sans**.

* **Time was running out for Sans**

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*After the human killed Sans in cold blood, they made their way through Asgore. Asgore turned around, surprised and nervous at seeing the human.*

Asgore: "Oh

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Asgore: "Oh... Now, now, there's no need for violence... Let's put the weapons down and have a nice cup of tea."

*The human smiled a bit before stabbing Asgore, killing him in one blow as Flowey used its petals to steal the kill.*

Flowey: *Comes out of the floor* "See, Chara!?... I'm not that useless! I can be useful whenever I'm needed to be!" *Flowey said, clearly shaking with fear.* "PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!!"

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