Leaving the dust behind.

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*Last time, Sans had initiated his own genocide run, beginning by exterminating all the monsters in the ruins. He attempted to persuade Toriel to assist him in slaying the human, but she adamantly refused, leading to her demise as well. Now, he encounters the human face to face.*

*The human gazed at Sans in shock, realizing that he was the orchestrator of the massacre. After a moment of surprise, they smiled and remarked,* "So... This was you all along, Sans? Have you hit your head, or did you simply have a rough morning?"

*Following this, both Sans and the human fell into silence until Sans abruptly broke it, summoning two large blasters near the human, causing their eyes to widen. As the blasters exploded, Sans remained silent, observing the aftermath as the smoke cleared and the human emerged injured and bleeding, wiping the blood from their mouth.*

"I see you've acquired some new tricks," *remarqued the human, with a hint of anticipation

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"I see you've acquired some new tricks," *remarqued the human, with a hint of anticipation.* "Well, at least I'll have the pleasure of dispatching the strongest monster right at the beginning of the run!" *With glee, they lunged at Sans, aiming to strike him down in one blow. However, Sans stood still, and when the human's knife passed through him, they were left bewildered.*

"It's impossible! I just struck him! What in the hell is happening!?" *the human exclaimed as Sans vanished, reappearing a short distance behind them.*

"What's up, kiddo? You look like you've seen a ghost,"

 *Sans taunted, before swiftly throwing a bone at the human

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 *Sans taunted, before swiftly throwing a bone at the human. Although they managed to dodge in time, a small cut marred their skin. Sans then materialized in front of them, hurling them into the air and slamming them back onto the ground, delivering a powerful kick to their stomach.*

*Amidst the onslaught of surprises, the human struggled to comprehend what was occurring, but before they could rise, Sans summoned massive piles of bones stacked onto large balls that exploded opon impact letting out more bones to hit the human.*


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