Chapter 4 - A Ruinous World

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Storm opened his eyes to a new world. Meteors rained over cold black lands, their fiery tails staining the skies blood red. High above in the center of the war-torn sky hung a moon the likes of which he had never seen before. The great moon was fractured down the middle, as if cracked by the gods themselves. It's very presence seemed to sway everything else, giving him the feeling that the moon itself were bringing war to the world.

"Whoa," said Caim, not far from Storm's side. "Wasn't expecting this . . ."

"You're telling me."

Storm walked to the edge of the rock they stood upon. Looking down, he could see the surface of the world far beneath them. Thousands upon thousands of feet separated them from a land of black ice and fire, and the feeling of trepidation swam through him as he gazed down at what looked to be a dying world. Past their faces, the wind blew sharp and chill, as if winter had breezed its icy touch across the horizon.

"Grim," said Storm. "Everything looks burning, but it's frigid somehow."

"Cool," Caim whispered. "This is totally cool!"

Feeling the presence of their grandfather above, Storm looked up to see the old man standing on another floating chunk of rock, his face half-cloaked in shadow. He nudged Caim, and motioned up.

With a sudden crack, Ronin thrust his oaken cane into the stone, unleashing a score of hidden white crows from beneath his floating throne, fluttering and cawing as they soared past the two boys. Yet the two did not cower. They did not flinch. They merely met his gaze silently, their hands clenched firmly to the hilts of their swords, anticipating the brutal fight to come.

"The time of your ascension has come, boys," Ronin began. "As sorians, you stand before me as demi-gods, immortal to even Time herself. Our race was born during the very first Éiéndrahk, and so we have fought, since near the beginning of it all. But your heritage will not avail you. You are not invincible. A mortal wound in Inner Depths will take your life. And I would not disrespect my own grandsons by holding back. I can only hope that what I have taught you will be enough for the two of you to keep your lives, and surpass me."

"Enough with the speech already," Storm said, glaring up at Ronin. "I'm ready."

Ronin met his gaze, sending a shiver down Storm's spine. The anger and frustration Storm felt had not dwindled since entering the world, but he knew that succumbing to his emotions would only make the situation worse.

"So be it," said Ronin. "Prepare yourselves."

Relax and think, Storm thought to himself. What do I know? I know that the old man is completely rested, and even if he weren't, it would still be a near-impossible task to beat him in a swordfight. He could feel the slight frustration in Ronin's gaze over his behavior, and a sudden realization struck him.

That's it! As far as he knows, I'm still riled up and angry about having to do this exhausted, which I am, but still, that probably means that he is expecting me to do something rash. Storm glanced at Caim, who was looking at him with timid eyes.

Yes, thought Storm. He definitely is. Because so are you. But we can do this. I'm sorry, Caim, but I'm going to have to piss you off a little bit for this to look real. I have a plan.

"Storm . . ." said Caim carefully. "I know you're mad at grandpa right now, but he said it himself. We can only do this together. Let's just work as a team and try to have fun with it."

"Caim," said Storm, forcing a sigh and beginning the act. "You never change. Not everything in life is a game. This isn't just about fighting the strongest of the strong, but surpassing the limitations of oneself. What is life if not a constant struggle to reach greater heights?"

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