Chapter 10 - The Three Sisters

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The lands of Soria were made up of two floating nations, sometimes referred to as the western and eastern wings, though more commonly known as Risia and Falia. For Caim and Storm, who were born on Falia, Risia was a land of mystery and fairy tale, a forbidden world completely locked away from them. No native-born Falians were allowed onto Risia, for it was the nation of Soria where the highborn lived.

The highborn were thought of throughout Soria as many things — pure-blooded, nobility, and even royalty. To many, they were the untainted descendants of Soria's ancestors, or those untouched by the curse. The one thing Ronin had told them of Risia that they didn't find appealing was that they were never to go there, ever, for any reason. And even if they had wanted to adventure to Risia, it would likely be impossible, for the only thing that connected the two floating countries was a colossal bridge that was kept heavily guarded at all times.


Far away on the nation of Risia . . .


A little willow bird no bigger than a fist flew upon the wind, rising high above the great bridge that bound together the two worlds. Far off in the distance, and beyond that very bridge stood the breathtaking castle of the Empress, and nestled around the great castle like a moat was a picturesque shining kingdom. The willow flew closer and closer towards that kingdom, towards Aurora's Light, the stunning capital of Risia.

Aurora's Light was a beautiful ivory realm, surrounded by endless forests, crystalline lakes, and twining rivers that gleamed like sapphires. The capital was encircled by two high rising outer walls, both built entirely of thick stone that held the warmth of the sun long after night had fallen. The walls stretched up and around the capital like towering rings protruding from the ground, and great statues of dragons cast their stony gaze from its upper brinks, threatening any who dared come bearing malice.

Resting in the center of the capital, the white castle was a sight beyond sights. The castle itself was constructed of a mythically rare ore known as aurelian, similar to diamond yet far older, and many believe that this ore fell as gifts from the moons long ago. It was because of this precious stone that, when light was reflected off the castle, it shimmered and glowed in a thousand different colors so vibrant and awe inspiring, that the castle was given its second name: Tyr Kasi'eronas, the Mother of Colors.

The little willow bird came upon the castle and soared around it. It weaved its way through the great towers that stood guard around the castle like the four points of a compass. For a brief moment, the willow came to land on one of the colossal black chains that bound the towers to the castle, as if they were being held prisoner. The chains, though black as night, glimmered like gems.

Taking flight, the willow flew down, spiraling around the chains and passing in-between the huge links. Far beneath, a small spec of green grass came closer and closer, until a tiny courtyard of dancing flowers and a single tree came plainly into sight. The little willow landed on one of the branches of the tree, and set its soft gaze on the courtyard below.

In the courtyard was a large silver stone, as though growing from the grass itself. It was a waystone of sorts, though seemingly out of place. Just beyond it was a tree with an amber trunk and leaves that sung of scarlet dawn. Lastly, scattered across the beautiful courtyard were three sisters, orphaned, yet not by birth, for they were the adopted daughters of the Empress. One of the sisters always seemed to stand out the most, especially at the most inopportune of times. She was the middle sister, and her name was Baelie.

Baelie was the roundest of the three, and by far the most ambitious. Wavy violet hair fell down to the tops of her shoulders where it met the high collar of her silver armor. Around her neck, a glittering gold necklace hung daintily, holding a gem that looked as if it had somehow captured lightning.

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