Chapter 11 - Faux Royalty

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It wasn't long before Remi, Baelie, and Maile left the courtyard and began heading for the Valyti. What choice did they have, being summoned by one of the most renowned and powerful people of Soria? Even being children of the Empress, there were certain times where choice was lost, even for them. Though, for Baelie, it could not have been any more of a blessing.

The girls traveled down winding stone paths, walking past home after home that glowed warmly beneath the dusk sun. Passing into the commerce district, they took in the sound of tinkerers, blacksmiths, and the smell of freshly baked loaves of bread. Children ran past, singing and dancing. Such was the beauty of the magnificent capital of Aurora's Light.

Great golden oaks flanked their path as they passed out of the commerce district, and the sight of the castle came clearly into view. The last rays of the sun's light fell upon its walls, reflecting a myriad of colors out into the world. The girls stood for a moment admiring the sight. The castle was a shimmering rainbow of light, nigh unforgettable, a true wonder of Soria.

They soon came upon an overlook perched above the small district, or village one might say, that they had just walked through. Little tufts of smoke lifted from chimneys, and those same children danced, sang, and played around a courtyard fountain. Past the town was a meadow full of brilliant blue flowers that swayed softly in the wind. And just beyond the field of flowers stood the fabled tower Islair, realm of the Force Corps, and the very place they were headed.

Monolithic black chains linked the cloud-piercing tower to the castle, though it itself did not shine as the castle did. Islair was one of four towers, each one surrounding the castle like points of a compass. The three sisters walked on in silence, wondering what might be waiting for them within. Not a few minutes later, they were standing before it.

Islair towered over them like a tree before ants. They had never come this close to it before, and it was much wider than they had imagined, wider perhaps than a thousand trees combined. There were no windows that they could see, just random notches, and Remi wondered if it were climbable. Maile, still living in terror, was looking up at the great black chains. She shivered at the thought of people walking upon them, so high above the ground, and wondered if it had ever been done.

Why would they summon us to the Valyti? Remi thought to herself. It doesn't make any sense.

She had heard rumors of the Valyti growing up. It was considered dark and magical, though also a place of bloodshed, and not for those of weak will. It was the home of the Force, after all, and they were the strongest women in all of Soria. It was a hidden world within their world. At least, that's how she thought of it. She imagined a dark prison, haunted by bloody and deceased warriors that wielded blood-smeared weapons. Red eyes in the dark. That sort of thing.

But why? Remi wondered. She leaned back her head, trying to see the top of the tower.

Why us?

She wanted more than anything to know the reason they were being summoned. No matter how hard she thought, she could not come to a conclusion that was not negative. It was practically the same as being summoned to meet with the Empress, except instead of filling her with wonder and excitement, it filled her with the feeling of dread.

Nonetheless, the summons had been unwarranted in her eyes and possibly a mistake. She glanced at her two sisters. Maile was tightening her elbow and knee pads, and Baelie had a great smile on her face, believing she knew exactly why they were there. Looking back at the tower, Remi made a startling realization.

"Um . . ." began Remi. "There's no door?"

Baelie pushed her way past. "C'mon, Remi. They can fly."

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