Chapter 15 - The Liquid Sting

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It wasn't long before Remi and Maile had caught up to Arya. Remi would have continued running all the way up to Baelie, who was fairly close to the strange looking tree, but Arya stopped her with a firm, outstretched arm.

"Don't go any closer," said Arya.

"Why?" Remi asked, though her instincts were somehow telling her the same.

"Because the last thing I need is to worry about saving the lives of two princesses today."

The tree was even stranger up close. Its trunk was a blended tint of amber and maroon, but most striking of all were the hundreds of thin yellow streaks winding up around it. Long, thin cracks ran through the trunk, as if someone had twisted it like a rope and tore it in places. Catching her breath, Remi stared up at the massive, honey-colored beehive. Even standing more than twenty paces away, or more, the scent emanating from it was so sweet that she suddenly wanted nothing more than to walk up to it and start dipping her hand in for honey. She found herself moving forward and bumped into Arya's arm once again.

"What's the big idea?" Remi snapped, but she recoiled the moment she said it. Her own tone took her off-guard. Anger and aggravation dripped from her words.

"What's happening?" Remi said, forcing herself to look at Arya.

"Not another step closer," Arya said firmly. "You must trust me, princess." Remi found herself clenching her teeth but obeying. Maile was still standing several feet behind them, having the better instinct of her sisters.

All the while, Baelie had been inching forward. She now stood directly beneath its branch, spellbound by the beehive above.

"Baelie," said Arya. "I need you to find my voice. I need you to listen to me. Back away from the tree."

Yet, Baelie could not hear her. Her eyes were locked on the beehive, and Remi realized that Baelie had no idea they were even there anymore. She was gone. The whole world might as well have not existed.

Then, without warning, Baelie bent her legs, took a deep breath, and leapt into the air. Her fingertips barely grasped the branch, and with diehard effort, she pulled herself up and onto it. Remi's mouth dropped, as she would have never imagined her sister to be capable of such a physical feat. She took a step backward, oddly feeling the desire for the honey subsiding. She took another step and felt even more like herself again.

"What is it with this tree?" Remi whispered. She took a step forward. Its power grew. The longing for the honey was like a sweet tooth that grew incrementally more powerful with every movement towards the tree.

"Baelie!" Arya said, but once again, the voice did not reach her. "Baelie, listen to me!"

"There's something very off with this tree," Remi said, suddenly feeling quite frightened.

"Don't go nearer to it than you are already," said Arya. "The closer you get, the more you lose control of yourself, as you can see with your poor sister."

Remi then realized something. Something terrifying. "Arya . . . can you, yourself, not go closer to the tree than here? Is it truly that dangerous?"

Arya chose her words carefully. "The truth is, I cannot go much further than where I stand right now. Unfortunately, I have yet to pass this particular tribulation, and Lady Glu isn't around to help. If I were to try and save Baelie as I am now, I would also fall prey to the tree. She has no choice but to overcome it herself." Remi's heart began to pound in her chest.

"Why didn't you stop her before she got this close then?!" Remi cried. "Baelie! Come back!!"

There was no answer.

Fade To Black, The Curseborn Saga, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now