Chapter Thirty

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Charles LeClair opened his front door to find his ex , hopefully future, lover and partner standing there.  Lane looked confused and embarrassed. And maybe just a little horny as well.

Charles smiled softly. He didn't know if this was going to go anywhere but he knew where he wanted it to go.


He wanted it to go everywhere. In Howard County he had thought of nothing but Lane. He wanted him by his side. He needed him by his side. It was time to start trusting the young man.

He took a deep breath. Alright. First, honesty. Then communication. Then maybe some wild uninhibited sex with Lane on the bottom.

" Lane, I'm ready to talk. "

Lane smiled and stepped into the foyer. " Ok. Fine. I'm ready to listen. "

Fuck it all. First a kiss. Then all the rest. That was Charles' thinking as he looked at the flushed red blond teacher in his worn Father Knows Best cardigan and off the rack slacks. He moved forward to capture his man's lips beneath his own. He would be honest. Try to. But he couldn't say he would change overnight. Charles LeClair had been on his own a long time. But he knew this much. He was never letting this man walk out of his life again.

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