eleven. the feelings pit

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eleven. the feelings pit

"Good morning, Hartley High, and welcome to another day in paradise

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"Good morning, Hartley High, and welcome to another day in paradise. I'm Zoe Clark with your election poll update. To no surprise, Amerie Wadia and her whore party are trailing in the polls, Spencer White and the C-Lords party are sitting comfortably in the middle, and Sasha So and her QSM-whatever it is party lead by a healthy margin," Zoe's voice fled from the speakers as she spoke into the PA system. "This three-way race is anything but tight, but anything could change after today's fundraising competition. You stay deadly, Hartley High."

Reggie entered the lounge with his eyes focused on the words from the novel in front of him. He was currently trying to occupy his own time while waiting for the school day to end, but he found something else more entertaining.

Ever since the game of football between the SLTs and the CUMLORDS, Harper and Aki seemed anything but separable, and the sight in front of him confirmed it even more. Aki had been faking being one of Harper's former employers so that she could get a gig.

Harper's face was lit up with excitement as she exclaimed, "I got it! I got a trial shift!" Her joy was so infectious that she playfully hit the boy sitting next to her before climbing onto him to engage in a friendly wrestling match. The sound of their laughter and the sight of their smiling faces warmed something inside of Reggie, causing a grin to break out on his lips.

Reggie made his way towards the girl who sat at an empty table during lunch, his eyes fixed on her determined face. He recognized her and approached her with a smile. "Hey, it's Faran, right?" he asked. The girl's gaze softened as she looked at Reggie, and she nodded her head in response. "Hi," he said hesitantly, "um, I'm Reggie. Y-You subbed for me in the football game..."

Faran greeted Reggie with a smile and said, "I remember you, Reggie. We have fourth period together."

"Right," Reggie let out an awkward chuckle. "But I just wanted to thank you for stepping in for me. I really appreciate it."

"Don't sweat it," Faran replied. "To be honest, you're probably the only person here I would do that for."

"Wait, really?" Reggie couldn't help but be surprised by the girl's words. Faran nodded her head as she wrote in her small notebook in front of her. "Why?" Faran appeared uncertain as she responded, "I'm not entirely sure what it is, but there's something about your aura that catches my attention. I don't know if you believe in that kind of thing, but it's just a feeling I get when I'm around you."

"Cool," Reggie beamed. He glanced at the empty seat across from her before pointing at it. "Mind if I sit here?"

"Knock yourself out," Faran answered.

"I'm just telling you the truth," Faran let out. "If a dick is bigger than 6 inches it has to be on supplements."

"That is so not true," Reggie argued. "Based on..." he trailed off, cleared his throat, and then lowered his tone, "...previous experiences, someone could have a big dick and not take anything for it."

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