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A few months later I was standing guard to look if the coast was clear and saw Azog and some other orcs in the distant, I hid behind a big stone so they couldn't see me.

I heard a low growl on the side of where I was standing that's when I saw something next to the rock, it was big and beast like , It was growling and looking angry at the orcs

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I heard a low growl on the side of where I was standing that's when I saw something next to the rock, it was big and beast like , It was growling and looking angry at the orcs.

I ran as fast and silent as I could back to the company to tell them what it was that I had seen.

How close is the pack asked Thorin?

To close, but it's not the worst, I said, we have another problem.

Did they see you ?

No, that's not it, I told them just as I was about to explain what I had seen in the woods.

The dwarves were very happy when they heard that they didn't notice my presence.

Will you just listen I yelled feeling frustrated they wouldn't let me speak, There is something else out there, Gandalf was asking questions about which form it took, he knew what it was, they had to seek cover so they wouldn't be killed by the orc.

there was a house close by. It was the house from beorn he was a skin changer , he was neither a friend nor an enemy, the bear was unpredictable but the man they could reason with right now he was in the form of the bear so they would need to be very careful and if they would make it inside the house they needed to wait until he was a man to try and reason with him.

They ran as fast as they could to the house.
We were being hunted, Beorn noticed that they were going toward his house and ran after them to try and stop them from entering his property.

Beorn almost caught up to them when we got inside very fast, we had to try with all our light to try and push the door close, it was very close, but we were now safe inside.

Beorn was standing guard outside his home that was now filled with dwarves, the orcs were too scared to attack because they knew not to mess with beorn right now he was unpredictable and dangerous.

In the morning Beorn was outside chopping up some wood angrily, Gandalf spoke to the dwarves that they would go outside in pairs of 2 first I went with Gandalf to tell them the story of how they came to him.

They needed to wait until the signal from Gandalf and then they could come out but they didn't know what the signal was.

I saw Gandalf becoming nervous, he said it was nonsense, but I could see in the way he acted that he indeed was.

He introduced himself to Beorn who didn't know him but he knew of his friend Radagast the brown, he was also a wizard just like Gandalf.

Then he introduced me to him, he didn't understand why a halfling and a wizard were seeking cover from the goblins and took refuge in his house.

When the dwarves heard him talk about the goblins they taught that was the sign, the first pair that came out was Dwalin and Balin who greeted and bowed Beorn to show respect

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When the dwarves heard him talk about the goblins they taught that was the sign, the first pair that came out was Dwalin and Balin who greeted and bowed Beorn to show respect.

Beorn wasn't happy that there were 2 dwarves in his house, he hated dwarves, do you call 2, several, he said?

I saw Gandalf becoming more nervous And then 2 more came Óin and Glóin who also greeted and bowed to him.

Aah, here come 2 more of our happy troops,  he said nervous and annoyed that they were all coming out and they were not waiting.

Do you call six a troop? Beorn said sounding very angry and annoyed.

The dwarves inside were scared not knowing if also they needed to come out or wait some more.

Then 2 more came Dori and Ori at your service, they said.
But he didn't want their service.

Then Fili and Kili came.
And then all the rest came Bofur, Bifur, Nori   and Bombur.

Is that it?
Are there any more beorn asked not looking so annoyed now.

Then came Thorin Beorn recognised him
we all went inside again and talked about why they were being hunted and what happened on their journey so far, they wanted to be honest with Beorn that they were going to the mountain because they needed his help.

It was very smart because this way when he was telling him the story the interruptions had made Beorn more interested in the story, and the story had kept him from sending the dwarves off at once as suspicious beggars.

He told them that they could stay here for a few days, in the evening Beorn went outside and turned into a bear and he stayed outside.

In Beorn house Thorin stood watch and was thinking about everything that happened yet and how sorry I was for my manners against the hobbit I was very rude I didn't expect him to save my life the way he did.

But I was very glad that bilbo wasn't angry at me and I was thinking about the hug we shared, how good it felt to have his arms around me and how my chin rested on his head, it felt like our bodies fitted together like two puzzle pieces.

I was thinking about the smell of his shampoo, his curls smelled like flowers, I couldn't get enough of it, I didn't want to get enough of it, I looked at where he was sleeping.

I noticed that he was having a nightmare because he was turning a lot and he was shivering from the cold, I knew that the buttons of his jacket ripped when he was trying to leave the mountain from the goblins.

I walked to bilbo and put my coat on him like a blanket, it was made with lots of fur, so it was thick and warm and very big.

just as I wanted to walk away, bilbo made a little noise before I could turn around, I felt 2 cold hands holding mine and pulling his hand toward him.

This is the story of bagginshield
This story's is based on the book and the movies not everything is original it's based on how I would have loved seen there friendship turn into a relatenship some who died in the end is maybe gone life here  
Let me know what you think xx

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