Body Artist Kenny x Reader (SPICY)

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For the longest time, you've recalled that you've wanted to get a piercing. However, the nerves and anxiety from the possible pain and worry of disliking your position of piercing is what held you back. You always had your friends supporting your decision, telling you to go ahead and get what you want because you only live once. Over the past few weeks thinking about it for sure, you were dead set on getting a tongue piercing.

This morning, you woke up confident and ready to tackle the obstacle that's been gnawing at the back of your mind for months. You previously have done your research on Tattoo shops with reputable body artists. One in particular had caught your attention, which was thankfully a Tattoo shop that was within city limits. Not only was it close by, but you didn't have to travel a long distance to get someone who you'd trust with your body like that.

Your keys jingled as they hung down from your lanyard while you walked to your car, making sure to lock the house door behind you. The drive there wasn't too bad, but your heart sure did leap in your chest when you'd arrived at the building that had bright flashing neon lights on the outside. Signs on the outside such as 'Walk-Ins welcome', 'Open', and 'Tattoo & Piercing' were all over the windows. From the outside, you couldn't tell what was going on inside, thanks to the tint.

Opening the door to the shop, you were greeted with a chill in the air, punk music, and many displays all over different areas of the building. Catching your attention, there were picture frames where drawings that the local tattoo artists had drawn up. Examples of tattoos were also hung on the walls, showing finished and works in progress pieces. Glancing around, you were also able to catch a glimpse at the different piercings that were done at this shop as well. Naval, nipple, tongue, nose, eyebrow, lip, industrials, so many piercings were shown in a collage.

A faint buzzing noise was heard from the distance, upon looking in the direction of the buzzing, you were able to see that there was a man getting tattooed by a young-looking adult. The tattoo artist had snakebites, his jet black hair peeking out through under his blue and red beanie. He had a black shirt on, and some worn-out looking jeans.

You hadn't realized that you were approaching to view the work that was in progress, watching from a respectable distance. It looked like the artist was in the middle of shading the jawline of a skeleton's face. In awe, you watched as the artist brushed the tattoo gun against the man's skin so effortlessly. The ink mixed with the blood didn't distract him from his work, it's as though he still knew exactly where to work. The sound of the buzzing from the tattoo gun had stopped, as the artist had a clean paper towel in his hand, wiping off the excess ink and blood mixture from the man's arm. Setting down his tattoo gun, he then got up from his seat and walked up to you.

Eyes meeting yours, he flashed you a warm smile which seemed to settle your nerves more. With how silent and concentrated he was earlier, you were worried he'd be annoyed with you watching him, or interrupting his work. He removed his latex gloves from his hands and tossed them to a nearby trash can before he came up to you. "Hey there, how can I help you today?"

"Oh, hello!" You smiled weakly, embarrassed for being so silent and awkward through this experience already. "I was interested in getting a piercing today, if your body artist is in today?"

"Kenny? Yeah, he's here." The boy responded to you, before walking over to the front counter beside you two, and retrieving a pamphlet from under one of the drawers. "I'm Stan, by the way. Where are you thinking of getting a new piercing?"

"A tongue piercing." You couldn't help but smile now, excited that you were actually here, in this tattoo shop and a whole step closer to getting the piercing that you wanted for so long now. "And, I'm Y/N by the way."

Stan nodded his head as he listened to you, and retrieved the piercing pamphlet for you to read over and sign once you've agreed to the terms and conditions. This pamphlet was quite simple, just going over that you agree that you're of legal age to get a piercing, understand the length and time of average healing, as well as agreeing to following aftercare instructions until your new piercing is healed. The final form requesting your signature stating that you consent to the body artist to pierce you. Reaching to the pen beside you, without hesitation you signed your name across the signature line.

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