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As much as she wanted to, how could she? It would be like throwing him into the lion's den, if the den was swarming with people from Forks and their closest vampire friends. And given that she hadn't invited him, she was extremely surprised to see him in the reflection of her mirror as she put her lipgloss on. He was leaning against the doorway with a smirk, one that screamed trouble.

Spinning around in her seat, bridesmaids dress already on, she couldn't help but take him in. He was wearing a simple black suit, and on anyone else she wouldn't have found it extraordinary— but on him? "What are you doing here?" she asked as she cleared her throat, trying to stop herself from literally foaming at the mouth.

He took that as his chance to enter her space, glancing around as though he was cataloguing her room before his gaze settled back onto her. "Got invited by the bride," he supplied, and Augustine was mentally yelling at Bella's meddling. "Said something about being someone's plus one. Any idea who that someone might be?"

She knew he wanted her to spell it out, say it out loud that he was meant to be her plus one before she chickened out. She had had two months to ask, and evidently, she didn't. "No idea, Paulie," she shrugged, a smirk tugging at her own mouth as he stopped in front of her. "But, I just so happen to be lacking a plus one."

"Oh really?" he questioned as she stood from her desk chair. His hands migrated to her waist, simply holding her, feeling the fabric of the dress beneath his fingertips. "What a coincidence."

The air was humid with something, but Augustine couldn't find it in her to move. "You look nice," she responded truthfully, allowing her eyes to rake over his form once more despite their close proximity. "I've never seen you wearing anything other than those cargo sh—"

"You're beautiful, Auggie."

Her shoulders deflated, the lingering tension of the day's ongoing festivities leaving her body. Her eyes crinkled as she smiled up at him, and her mind failed to think of the last time someone had called her that. Beautiful.

"You're obsessed with me," she deflected with a joking smile, and had she been human she knew her cheeks would've been flushed. Even after all this time, the girl still didn't know how to take a compliment.

Paul only nodded, undeterred. "I am."

Augustine blinked up at him, his face seeming closer than it was before, until there was a knock on her doorframe. The two pulled away, Paul's hands leaving her entirely as the pair made eye contact with Rosalie.

The annoyance in her eyes was there, sure, but it was minimal. Where her gaze locked onto the pair's intertwined pinkies, something Augustine hadn't even registered that she did, her amber eyes softened significantly.

"Come on you two, it's show time."

⋆☾ ゚。⋆

The wedding itself was a complete success, and soon, Bella was an official member of the Cullen family. Augustine had latched herself onto Paul for the duration of the evening, only stepping aside to complete her bridesmaid duties and rush back.

𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐑, paul lahote ✓Where stories live. Discover now