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"A war against the wolves? Well that's just fucking fantastic."

When Augustine, Alice, and Jasper filed back into the house, Jacob was already inside giving the family a heads up on what was about to occur. Paul's message was correct, it seemed: it was really going down.

"We won't get through without a fight," Emmett interjected, arms crossed over his chest.

"No fights," Carlisle said, "we won't be the ones to break the treaty."

Augustine was pretty sure the treaty was already broken, given that if Sam was going to have the home surrounded, there was no shot they were going to be standing around in their human forms. No, they'd be shifted on Olympic lands.

She was happy Jacob was thinking the same thing. "The treaty is void, at least in Sam's mind."

"Carlisle," Emmett called out, stepping forward from beside his spot next to the smaller ravenette. "No one's hunted for weeks."

It was then that Augustine noticed the subtle brown of everyone's eyes, indicative that they weren't quite starving yet, but they were hungry. "I could help with that—" Augustine raised her hand, watching Carlisle's eye as she pointed to the pillows that littered a loveseat nearby. "As long as you don't mind me turning our pillows into food."

"We'll make do," Esme responded, though she did give the girl a soft nod.

Carlisle's attention flickered back to the shifter. "Thank you Jacob, you've done us a great service."

Augustine glanced outside, seeing the sun begin to dip past the looming pine trees, and knew that whatever the wolves were plotting was going to happen sooner than later. Even if they didn't attack tonight, knowing that the Cullens would be on guard, the vampires were still just sitting ducks.

When Jacob moved to leave the room, Augustine pushed away from her place near Emmett and called out to him. "Can I talk to you for a sec, Jacob?"

Though the shifter seemed bewildered by her request, he gestured his head to make her follow him. Giving Emmett a reassuring squeeze, she followed the boy out of the home until they reached the back porch.

She leaned against the wooden railing and looked at him. "Paul's definitely on team Sam, right?" she questioned, despite already knowing the answer from her phone call with him— otherwise, he would've been here alongside Jacob, and Seth and Leah Clearwater who were lurking around the perimeter.

"No one can hurt you, Augustine," was his response, not outright saying the obvious about Paul's choice of leadership. "It's against our most sacred laws— and even if you tried to leave, the worst they could do was try and stop you."

The ravenette nodded, more to herself than to Jacob. There goes her window of opportunity to collect food for her family and bring it back; she'd be stopped by the wolves before she even made it past the treeline. She'd have to use her abilities, ones she hadn't properly used since the night she gave herself her hand back.

𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐑, paul lahote ✓Where stories live. Discover now