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She'd been debriefed on her family's plan the day before the governing vampires were set to arrive in Washington. She was to stay in her hospital bed, focus on retaining her strength again, while the others were essentially going off to war.

Easy enough.

But this time, Augustine couldn't even complain about being benched. This time, as bedridden as she was, she was truly useless.

On the bright side, the Volturi would never dare step foot into town; there were too many people, it was far too conspicuous. The Cullens had formulated a plan in the event that Aro was going to ask about the one he wanted most; deny, deny, deny.

They were going to deny her new human nature, given the fact that Bella could now use her shield-like abilities on those around her. She was going to be a crucial figure out on the battlefield, and Augustine hoped it would sway Aro. The last thing anyone needed was for him to find out, and for Augustine to be killed for knowing too much.

And if it came to that, the ravenette was gladly willing to go because come on— three attempts on her life was a little too much, even for her.

She'd really be safest within the confines of Forks General, and even better yet, both Sam's pack and her family mutually agreed on a designated human to watch over her: Emily.

"You sure she's okay with this?" she asked Sam when the man and Paul had stopped by the hospital on their way to do some final preparations.

Sam shook his head, patting the top of her head. "Trust me, she volunteered."

Paul smiled down at her when Sam stepped away, and he leaned down to press a kiss to her forehead. "I'll see you once this is all over, alright?"

"You better not die on me out there," she warned him seriously. "I'll find someone to resurrect you just to beat your ass... and that goes for the rest of you tools."

"Pinky promise."

⋆☾ ゚。⋆

Even when Augustine had been a vampire, Emily Young always made sure the girl felt welcome in her and Sam's home. Really, Augustine knew she'd be in good hands— even if her stomach was in jagged knots over what was about to happen.

But when Emily had shown up the following morning with a tin of cookies, the same cookies that Jared and Quil usually raved about, her worries were temporarily lost on her. "I've been dying to try those," she blurted out, sitting up almost hastily in her hospital bed.

"If the boys found out I made you the ones with the salted caramel, I'd never hear the end of it," she laughed, plopping down into the chair next to the bed and opening the tin. She held it towards the younger girl, her stomach growling as she all but jumped forward to take one.

The first bite was even better than she'd ever imagined. "I missed food so much, you have no idea," she groaned through her chewing.

𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐑, paul lahote ✓Where stories live. Discover now