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Her family had come by first, Rosalie all but knocking down the door to her room in her wake when she charged at the girl. There was a shudder of relief, followed by the blonde girl flicking her forehead. "No more creek visits alone— actually, no more creek visits period."

"Nice to see you too, Rose."

Esme's shoulders were wracked with heaves, and she undoubtably would've been tearing up had she been able to. Edward came by, bringing Renesmee and Jacob along with. Bella was at home, couldn't be around this many humans all at once just yet, but made sure to call almost daily. The young child asked if the ravenette would be spending Christmas in the hospital, to which Augustine shrugged. She really didn't want to, but it was looking like she was going to.

Edward had filled her in on the latest of what was going on, starting with the influx of vampires at their home and ending with Jasper and Alice's sudden departure to who the hell knows where. Augustine was suddenly very glad to be benched, as the entire ordeal sounded more stressful than she could've handled.

"Any mail for me?" she asked, and he didn't need to be a mind reader to know what exactly she was inquiring about— who she was inquiring about.

He shook his head. "Nothing."

She really shouldn't have felt disappointed, shouldn't have counted on Alec writing to her about his coven's next moves, but she was, and she did.

The packs also filtered in, giving her little get well soon cards; the Clearwater family had even showed up together, and even though Leah looked like she would rather be anywhere else, she handed the girl some flowers on her family's behalf. Sue was nothing but an angel, giving the girl her first decent meal in a long time; it was a chicken noodle soup, one that made her warm and relish in the fact that she could taste once again. Seth gave her a small teddy bear that she kept curled at her side, and had to be forced from the room by his mother when visiting hours concluded.

Sam, Emily, Jared, and Embry had also come by. Sam, ever the diplomat, reassured the ravenette that whoever hurt her would be held responsible, and she simply smiled in gratitude. It was nice knowing people were looking out for her, especially now considering she wasn't indestructible anymore.

Plus, it was also nice knowing that one of them was always on rotation around the hospital, especially since Janvier was very much on the loose and had still expected her to die that night. She was afraid he'd come back to finish the job, and expressed so to the packs and her family.

They also shared this same concern, too.

It was also weird, feeling pain once again. She felt the cold from the air vents brush against her arms, she felt every needle prick whenever her IV was changed, and most importantly, she felt the heat that radiates from Paul's entire body whenever he was just close enough. That part was nice.

But, something that wasn't nice at all was the lack of a certain large-statured vampire who had yet to arrive to see her. It was getting nauseating, waiting in anticipation every time the door opened, only for someone else to walk through.

𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐑, paul lahote ✓Where stories live. Discover now