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There had been no sign of Seth, either, when everyone said their final congratulations, the newlyweds being whisked away to the waiting car for their honeymoon.

Augustine didn't outwardly show her disappointment, having a feeling that it was probably pack business they had to tend to, so she holed herself up in her bedroom.

She had switched into a pair of loose shorts and a graphic t-shirt, hunched over her desk and began a light sketch first. When she ran out of a specific graphite shading tool, she turned a stray unicorn eraser into another with a delighted sigh. Her abilities were getting easier to manage, and for that she was thankful.

It was only when she began taking out her watercolours, the sketch of a landscape she knew off by heart in front of her, that her phone started to ring its standard tone. Her eyes drifted to it, and she found herself pushing the sketch aside in favour of answering the call.

Pressing the phone to her ear, she schooled her tone into one of causality. "Hey, Paul."

"Wanna take a walk with me?" the boy on the other end of the line asked, breathing a little raggedly.

Augustine hummed, thinking the proposition over. "Sure," she glanced to the clock that showcased it was just after midnight, "do you wanna come here in thirty, and then we can—"

"I'm actually outside, already," he interrupted her, and at the same time a stray pebble managed to hit the windowsill in her bedroom.

Phone still in hand, she wandered over to the window and looked just into the treeline of the side of the home, watching as the tan boy leaned against a tree with his phone at his own ear. "You're ridiculous," she laughed, waving when he waved up at her.

"You love it," he stated cooly, his hand ushering her to come downstairs. "C'mon, we don't have all night, Auggie."

⋆☾ ゚。⋆

The pair ended up walking through the woods, discussing the evening's events in their entirety. Paul explained how his and Seth's departure was because of Jacob, the boy having an absolute conniption at the fact that Bella was going to have a real honeymoon.

The very idea of Jacob insinuating that her brother would hurt Bella made her bristle, because she knew hurting the human girl was Edward's greatest fear. Once again, Jacob didn't seem to know what he was talking about.

"You met Carmen," she said, trying to segue from the conversation about Jacob's cluelessness. "She approves."

"Oh, approves..." he reiterated, swinging their intertwined pinkies back and forth gently as they traversed into the forestry. "Approves of what, exactly?"

Augustine rolled her eyes. "You... you and I— whatever it is that we're doing," she responded, ignoring the smirk on his face. "Which brings me to my next question of; what are we even doing?"

It was a more than valid question, really. They were fated together by some higher power, and something that started out incredibly rocky shifted into something more.

𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐑, paul lahote ✓Where stories live. Discover now