Hamster, your other head is pretty too!!

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Embarrassment turns Sana's blood to ice as she remembers how it had been laundry night, and how she'd dumped her entire load of clean washing on her couch because she couldn't be bothered with it, and then decided she'd sleep in her very comfortable Hamster onesie instead.

"You're so fluffy, can I touch you?"

"No!" Sana yelps, jumping backwards and away from the woman's questing hands. The hood of Sana's stupid onesie, complete with Hamster's small hairs looking like mustache . God, how could she have forgotten she was wearing this horribly embarrassing outfit? It's a good thing this girl is so drunk and will probably forget this entire conversation ever happened.

"I live downstairs," she yells in explanation. "And I can hear your music through my ceiling. You don't have to turn your music off, but can you just turn it down?"

"You don't live downstairs. Bad-mood Ben lives downstairs."

Sana growls, impatience fueling her anger. She thought graduating from prestigious university and moving to Starling meant not having to deal with drunk, useless frat boys anymore, but look at her now, a fucking drunk woman making fun of her. Ankle deep in party trash, no worse than being at a basic college rager.

"No," Sana forces through her teeth. I don't know who Ben is but I'm Sana and I live downstairs now. And your music is obnoxious, and unpleasant and it's two in the morning, so can you please -"

"You're much prettier than Bad-mood Ben. And more polite. I like Sana better."

"Jesus Christ, talking to this drink woman is like arguing with a brick wall, this is so frustrating and exasperating although kinda hot-- Minatozaki watch your mouth", Sana yells at herself.

"Put your head on."

Sana sputters. "I'm sorry, what!?"

"Don't be sorry!" the woman grins at Sana, folding her arms over her chest, squeezing her very solid-looking chest, pectorals, and completely missing the point. "What're you sorry for? You're so pretty!"

Sana screws her eyes shut. She presses her hands against her eyes, feeling an oncoming headache. This night - morning - is turning out to be the worst. She groans,

"Oh my god. You are insufferable."

"Oh no!" the woman gasps. "I didn't know you were suffering. Here, let me put your head on for you, pretty hamster , then I'll turn my music down," the woman says in a quiet, wholly unnecessary comforting tone, which in turn, makes her pop her eyes open.

Except it's too late, and she comes face to face but it wasn't the face.

"God, her ch-chest are.. I ", Sana gulped. Looking at the woman's expanse of golden skin, looming over her as She reaches - she reaches! - over her and -

"I swear , one single touch and I'll ", Sana's though was cut off with what just happened.

She Pulls her hoodie up over her head.

The soft, fluffy, material flops down over Sana's forehead, obscuring the top half of her field of vision, and then the woman steps back. The bottom of her very chiseled jaw comes into view and her lips curve up into a smile.

Thump thump

"Stupid heart!! Maybe, it's because of the loud music and all these nonsense hamster hoodie and it's definitely not because of this hott- menace woman.", Sana thinks.

"There, no more suffering. You have your head back on."

Sana can only blink at her. It's not often she's rendered speechless, much less by a woman drunk out her mind - but this conversation, hell, this entire encounter, has been the weirdest fifteen minutes she's had to endure in her entire life so she thinks being gobsmacked is warranted.

Slowly, she tips her head backwards so she can take the woman's whole face in.

This woman looks so proud of herself, a watery, self-indulgent smile plastered across her face. Her arms are folded neatly over her chest, and she's scrutinising her like a fine piece of art.

"Mmhm," she murmurs. Sana almost doesn't hear her over the pounding music, but she can read her lips well enough. "Prettiest Hamster I've ever seen, for sure. I must tell Jeong."

"Uh." Sana swallows.

" That's a compliment, right? Hamster or not, this woman thinks I'm pretty so...", Sana internally screams.

"Thank -"

Suddenly, the woman slaps her hands together and without another word, turns around promptly. Whoa, holy back muscles.

"'Chae!" she exclaims, raising a hand in the air. She gives her a quick backwards wave. "Turning down the music. Bye, Hamster !"

And then the woman is stumbling back through the archway, hands slamming against the side of the wall to steady herself as she nearly trips over her own feet.

She disappears.

"I wonder how much she drank coz this is just not normal AT ALL ", Sana thinks.

The music, thankfully, actually stops soon after.

Which leaves Sana's ears ringing as she's blanketed in silence, staring blindly down the now empty hallway, rooted to the floor, surrounded by trash, spilled alcohol and pizza.

What the fuck just happened?

"Nvm, I need sleep... I might kiss her if I see her again because of how exhausted I'm. She won't remember me anyways but still what a waste and a total hottie yet a dumb ass woman ", Sana chuckles and moves towards her apartment and slips under her bed sheets comfy and eyes closed moving to a dream land.

Probably thinking of the same hottie she met minutes ago.


Thanks for reading.
Sahyo for the world.
Updates will be irregular, bear with me. ♥


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