Chapter 8

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Jihyo looks at her sister, raises her eyebrows and shrugs. She makes a motion with her hands, twisting her palm over her ear. Dahyun pulls one side of the headphones off her ear, wincing at the burst of deafening music. 

“I’m going downstairs!” Jihyo tells her with a grin on her face. Jihyo hurries off, not bothering to change the volume. “Be right back!” 

Oh hell no. Dahyun's not staying here - not if her sister's about to go have a showdown with this mysterious Sana person, and definitely not while this obnoxious music is still blaring. 

By the time Dahyun finds her way to Jihyo's private access elevator - she needed to make sure she looked presentable to meet Sana - Jihyo's already gone, so Dahyun makes a calculated guess and assumes Sana's only one floor down. 

Which turns out to be right, because when the doors slide open a few seconds later, she spots her Sister's back hovering at the far end of the hallway. She’s skulking - there’s no better word for it - in front of a door, shifting from one foot to the other. 

Dahyun hangs back, partially hidden behind a vending machine, intent on watching this, whatever this is, unfold organically. She waits for Jihyo to knock, or do something other than stand pointlessly in front of the door, but Jihyo doesn’t do a single thing. 

“What kind of twisted mating ritual is this?” Dahyun wonders out loud. 

Just as she’s deciding if she wants to head back up to Jihyo's penthouse, the door swings open, violently, and a blonde not so tall yet taller than herself and her sister  comes barrelling out, hands swinging up to thump her sister against her chest. 

“What the hell, Jihyo!!”

Yeah, okay. Sana is pretty cute. From her sleep-tousled hair down to her bright purple pajama pants adorned with cartoon Hamsters, Dahyun understands why her Sister seems so taken with her. 

“Are you crazy?! ” 

It’s a testament to how loud Sana is that Dahyun can hear every single word over someone singing about police shutting things down.

“I was sleeping, Jihyo! And this music is-” 

“I warned you last night!” Jihyo yells back at her. 

She leans forward, presumably smirking in Sana's face the way Jihyo usually does when she knows she has the upper hand in an argument. Dahyun's very well-acquainted with that particular look, and from her vantage point, Sana seems to hate it as much as Dahyun does too. 

“Did you change speakers? I can’t control the music!” Dahyun realises Sana has her phone clenched tightly in one hand, and she’s jabbing at it like it’s personally offended her. 

“Yeah, I’m not stupid, I used my old ones, ” Jihyo taunts her. “Plus, I gave you a whole night to prepare for this!” 

“That’s not fair! I’m - I’m not at a 100%. My head hurts so bad!”

Sana pockets her phone and starts punching Jihyo again, but Dahyun's not sure how much effort she’s putting into her attacks because Jihyo barely flinches at the contact. 

Instead, she lets her land a few more against her arms, laughing hard, if the way her back is shaking is anything to go by, before she catches her hands with expert ease and letting them swing down between them. 

Dahyun watches with interest as Jihyo takes a step closer to Sana, head bowing down to her height. They’re awfully close, invading each other’s personal space, but neither seem to have a problem with it. A few tense seconds tick by, and Jihyo tilts to the side. 

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