Chapter 7

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“If it wasn’t random then you’re telling me your speakers started playing Right Said Fred on purpose last night?” 

Jihyo straightens up and whirls around to face her sister. 

“No!” she exclaims. “Sana did it. She hacked me, made my speakers play stupid music because she was drunk. Payback, apparently, even though I apologised. She thought it was hilarious.” 

O-kay. She’s got her attention now. Sana? She’s never heard of a ‘Sana’ before, and the notion that her sister is friends with someone capable enough to hack into things is laughable at best. 

What an interesting development.  

“Who’s Sana?” Dahyun asks curiously. 

“No one.” Jihyo pauses, then changes her mind. “Not no one. New downstairs neighbour. Really smart.” There’s a shift in Jihyo's expression, her eyes go glassy, like she’s reveling in wonder, before she snorts and appears to come back to herself.

 Too smart. And she thinks she’s cute for playing that prank on me last night.”

“Well, is she?” 

Jihyo turns her head towards Dahyun, a furrow in het brow. “Is she what?” 

“Cute, Unnie.” Dahyun rolls her eyes. “You said she thinks she’s cute but is she actually?” 

This sort of information is vital. Whatever prank thing is going on is inconsequential, but if she’s attractive and has the ability to get Jihyo all worked up and flustered, then this Sana girl warrants further investigation. 

“No, she’s - it’s not... I mean, yes,” Jihyo stutters. She wrinkles her nose, then shakes her head. “Yes, she’s cute. But she’s also infuriating. She came up here yelling at me for playing loud music ages ago, which I apologised for, and then last night she hacked me as some sort of payback - even though she accepted my apology!” 

The sudden blast of music from Jihyo's new speakers last night makes sense now. Jihyo had scampered away with a nervous twitch in her step when the song started playing, startling them both in the middle of their movie night. Dahyun had been understandably confused at the turn of events, but Jihyo - Jihyo  had just disappeared.

Five minutes later, the music suddenly stopped playing, and then when she returned she was no longer nervous and instead, very, very grumpy. It put an end to their night and Dahyun had gone to bed a little confused, but not particularly bothered about it. 

Until now.

 Now it perfectly makes sense, Dahyun thinks.

“Okay, that’s a little funny,” Dahyun concedes.  

“Yeah, she thought so too,” Jihyo grumps. She walks around the kitchen area, and Dahyun widens her eyes in surprise as she dumps the wires she’s been holding into a drawer. Jihyo meanders her way back to the living room, flinging open a cupboard and lugs out a huge, rather old, boombox-looking thing. 

“Let’s see how funny she thinks this is.” 

dahyun's hands fly to her ears the moment Jihyo plugs it in. Wailing static bursts through the speakers, grinding on her eardrums.

“Unnieeeee!” she cries out. “What the hell?!” 

Jihyo lugs the thing around the room with strange determination, then faces the boombox over a vent on the floor. 

“Put the headphones on,” Jihyo instructs, and she does so obediently.

She watches with intrigue as Jihyo steps away, fiddling with her phone. The ambient noise and horrifying static filling the air have been muted because of the headphones, so she can’t hear whatever Jihyo's mumbling to herself. 

The floor - and consequently the kitchen counter she’s still sitting on - starts to vibrate, and shortly after, even with the noise cancellation on, obnoxiously loud thumping music starts playing around Dahyun. 

It’s Ke$ha, she realises. Not exactly bad music, but not appropriate at all at eight in the morning on a Saturday, and absolutely not at this volume. 

Wake up in the morning feeling like P. Diddy

Dahyun stares slack-jawed at her Sister, who looks awfully pleased with herself. It strikes Dahyun that the vent that she’s strategically placed the speakers on probably connects to the apartment downstairs, which means - 

“She’s going to be so mad at you,”

Dahyun yells at Jihyo over the music.

“Especially if she’s not awake yet.” 

"Well, that's what I want!! ", Jihyo grins evilly.

"You look like devil without horns but somehow you also look like a clown If I have to be honest Unnie", Dahyun screams out while laughing making Jihyo to lightly punch on Dahyun's Shoulder.

Hamster, wait for me!! Jihyo just laughs loudly scaring Dahyun who was thinking about going home.


Been a while, isn't it? 
Okay, Nayeon's comeback!!!  🙈
Actress Dubu incoming ☺
Jihyo's own show 😙
Sana's pics and many more....

Oh wait how can I forget, Aespa's comeback and WINTER as usual captured me.

Thanks for reading. ♥

Like and comment for better hair growth lmfao 😂

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