Protective Measures

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"Bright," Book began, his voice measured as he prepared to break the heavy silence that enveloped the room.

But before he could speak, Bright's voice cut through the air, interrupting him.

Bright: "Book, I've been thinking. We need to prioritize Win's safety above all else. I want you to divide out half of our security team to ensure he's always protected."

Book: "Bright, we've discussed this before. The security team is here for your safety. While I understand your concern for Win, we can't afford to compromise your security."

Bright: "Book, I appreciate your concern, but I don't need that much security. I'm a black belt, I can protect myself if need be."

Book: "Bright, I understand your capabilities, but as a politician, you can't just go around fighting whenever you want. It's not about your ability to defend yourself, it's about the image we project and the potential risks involved. We have to be strategic about how we handle security."

Bright: "What if we hire a group of 24-hour bodyguards for Win? That way, he'll have constant protection."

Book pinches the bridge of his nose and closes his eyes.

Book: "Bright, Win lives in a solo studio compartment. His apartment couldn't accommodate a group of bodyguards, and he'd feel uncomfortable having them there. And even if we stationed the bodyguards outside Win's apartment, it would make the other tenants uncomfortable. We need to find a solution that ensures Win's safety, without causing unnecessary disruptions or discomfort."

Bright feeling frustrated, leans back in his chair.

Book: "I know this may sound unconventional, but I have a plan."

Bright and Win exchange curious glances, waiting for further explanation.

Book: "Win, you need to move in with Bright."

*Bright and Win both exclaim in unison, "WHAT?!"

Book: "I know it sounds drastic but hear me out. Your proposals are all great, Bright, but they're just not suitable for Win's living conditions. However, your place has everything you mentioned. From condo safety measures to security team escorts to 24-hour bodyguards, your house is basically a whole package."

Bright absorbs the information, hesitating for a moment as he considers the implications.

Bright: "Alright, I agree. Win can live with me."

Win hesitated for a moment, his brows furrowing in concern as he processed Bright's proposal. "Mr. Vachirawit, I appreciate your concern for my safety, but I'm just a secretary," he began, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "You're a politician, and it wouldn't be appropriate for us to live together."

Book nodded in understanding, recognizing the validity of Win's concerns. "I understand your reservations, Win," he said calmly, his gaze shifting between Bright and Win. "But given the current circumstances, it's crucial that we prioritize your safety above all else. And if living with Bright is what it takes to ensure that, then it's a sacrifice we'll have to make."

Bright nodded in agreement, his expression determined. "Win, I know this is unconventional, but I promise to respect your privacy and boundaries," he reassured, his tone sincere. "Your safety is paramount, and if living together is what it takes to keep you safe, then I'm more than willing to make that arrangement."

Win's uncertainty lingered, but he could see the genuine concern in Bright's eyes. With a sigh, he nodded reluctantly, conceding to the arrangement for the sake of his safety. "Alright, if it's what's best for everyone," he replied, his voice tinged with resignation. "I'll move in with you, Mr. Vachirawit."

The Politician and his Secretary (BrightWin fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now