Bright's Tender Care

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"Are you hungry, Win?" Bright asked, his voice gentle as he looked at his secretary with concern. Win nodded slightly, feeling a bit embarrassed by his own vulnerability. "A little," he admitted, his voice still weak from the ordeal of the previous night.

Bright smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry, I'll fix you something to eat," he said, rising from his seat beside Win's bed.

Bright glanced at his phone, recalling the list of foods the doctor had provided for Win's recovery. He quickly scanned through the list, mentally noting the items he needed to prepare.

"Let's see..." Bright murmured, scrolling through the list. "It looks like we'll need some light and nutritious options to help you regain your strength."

Win listened intently, grateful for Bright's attention to detail. Despite his initial reluctance to accept help, he couldn't deny that having Bright take care of him was a comforting thought.Bright nodded to himself as he made mental notes of the ingredients required. "I'll whip up something simple but nourishing. How does a vegetable soup sound?" he suggested, turning to face Win with a smile.

Win's eyes brightened at the mention of food. "That sounds perfect," he replied, a hint of gratitude in his voice.

Bright moved around the kitchen with practiced ease, his movements fluid and efficient. Despite his status as a politician, he was no stranger to the kitchen. During his time studying overseas, he had often found solace in cooking, using it as a way to unwind and reconnect with his roots.

Once the soup was ready, Bright carefully ladled it into a bowl and arranged a few slices of bread on the side. With the tray balanced in his hands, he made his way back to Win's room, his heart filled with determination to ensure his secretary's comfort and well-being.

Setting the tray down on the bedside table, Bright turned his attention to Win, who watched him with a mixture of surprise and gratitude. Without a word, Bright took a spoonful of soup and brought it to Win's lips, his movements gentle and deliberate.

Win's cheeks flushed with embarrassment at the unexpected gesture, but he found himself unable to protest as Bright continued to feed him. Despite his initial hesitation, Win couldn't deny the warmth and care behind Bright's actions, and he soon found himself relaxing into the comforting routine

After a few spoonful, Win finally gathered the courage to speak up. "Mr Vachirawit , you don't have to do this. I can eat by myself," he said, his voice soft but determined.

Bright smiled warmly at Win's words, his eyes filled with affection. "I know you can, Win. But let me take care of you for now. It's the least I can do," he replied, his tone gentle yet firm.

As Win finished his meal, Bright fetched a napkin and approached him with gentle care. Leaning in slightly, Bright began to dab at Win's mouth, his movements delicate and precise. With each gentle touch, he wiped away traces of soup, his focus unwavering as he ensured Win was clean and comfortable.

Win, feeling a rush of shyness at Bright's proximity, couldn't help but blush as he watched his boss's meticulous actions. Despite his embarrassment, he couldn't deny the warmth and tenderness in Bright's demeanor, a gesture of care that touched his heart.

As Bright finished wiping away the last of the soup, he set the napkin aside and returned with a glass of water for Win to sip. Placing the glass in Win's hand, he offered a reassuring smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Vachirawit," Win murmured, his voice filled with genuine appreciation.Bright smiled warmly, his eyes reflecting genuine concern and care. "You're welcome, Win. Just let me know if you need anything else," he replied, his tone gentle and reassuring.

The Politician and his Secretary (BrightWin fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now