The Rescue

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As Bright and Book rushed through the hotel corridor, their hearts pounding with worry, they spotted a suite room door slightly ajar. Without hesitation, they hurried inside, their senses on high alert.

The room was dimly lit, casting eerie shadows across the space. Bright and Book exchanged a tense glance before proceeding further into the room, their footsteps echoing in the silence.

As they entered, their eyes fell upon Win lying unconscious on the bed, his face pale and his breathing shallow. Bright's heart clenched with fear at the sight, while Book's expression hardened with determination.

Rushing to Win's side, they gently shook him, calling out his name in desperation. "Win, wake up! Can you hear us?" Bright exclaimed, his voice filled with concern.

Win stirred slightly, his eyelids fluttering as he struggled to regain consciousness. With a groan, he slowly opened his eyes, his vision blurry as he tried to focus on Bright and Book standing over him.

"Win, are you alright?" Book asked urgently, his voice laced with worry. "What happened? Did Thanathorn do this to you?"

Win's head throbbed with pain as he tried to piece together the events that led to his current predicament. With a shaky voice, he managed to respond, "I... I don't know. He... he was here..."Bright's jaw clenched with anger at the mention of Thanathorn's name. "We need to get you out of here," he said firmly, his mind racing with thoughts of their next move.

As they helped Win to his feet, their focus shifted to getting him to safety. But as they made their way towards the door, a chilling realization dawned on them—Thanathorn was nowhere to be seen, and they had no idea where he might have gone.

As Book quickly dialed Bright's driver, he relayed the urgent situation and requested for the car to be brought to the hotel entrance immediately. With a sense of urgency, he instructed the driver to prepare for their departure as soon as possible.

Within moments, the driver confirmed that he was on his way and would be waiting outside the hotel entrance. With a sigh of relief, Book hung up the phone and turned to Bright and Win."Bright, the car will be here any minute. We need to get Win out of here and to safety," Book said, his voice determined. "We can't afford to waste any time."

Bright nodded in agreement, his mind racing with concern for Win's well-being. With a gentle hand on Win's shoulder, he offered reassurance. "Hang in there, Win. We're getting you out of here."

Together, they helped Win towards the door, their movements swift yet careful. As they stepped into the hallway, the tension in the air was palpable, their senses on high alert as they prepared to make their escape.

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