Chapter VII

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I stand up and quickly wipe my tears away. I can't let the evaluators see that it's difficult for me to kill.

Seconds later, a guard enters and ushers me out of the room. I turn to steal one last look at Lilliya, but she is already being slid into a body bag.

I'm in a daze as the guard pulls me down the hallway. I promised myself I wouldn't get distracted, but Lilliya's last words are the only thing on my mind right now.

"Kill Dreykov for me."

In the Red Room, Dreykov is like a father figure to us all. A really shitty one, yes, but the only one any of us had. The only person we had to look up to. The one we craved attention and love from.

Dreykov is the reason I'm here, right now. He turned me into the expert asassin I am today. The only person I have to thank for my talent to kill is him.

Sometimes, I do wish that I didn't grow up here. But I don't know who I'd be without the Red Room. And Dreykov is the person who brought me here. He created the Red Room.

But he's also the reason I've had to kill. He's the reason Lilliya is dead. He's the reason Alyona, and all the other students I've murdered are dead. They trusted him, and he made me end their lives. He's the one who told me to do that.

I wonder why Lilliya had asked me to kill him. It was probably because I was the last person to see her alive, ever, but I also didn't know her that well. We shared some classes, sure, but that was it. She was just another girl in the Widow Programme.

Why would she choose for her last words to be directed towards me. And why would she want them to be asking me to kill Dreykov?

When I'm finally brought into a room, I push these thoughts down. I can't afford to be playing a tennis match in my mind during the tests.

Madame B, Dreykov, and a widow are in the room, looking expectantly towards me. The widow looks familiar, but I can't connect a memory with her. 

"Y/N. We all saw how you performed with Lilliya. Congratulations on your kill." Dreykov says happily.

I nod absent-mindedly. The widow gives me a hard stare, and suddenly I recognize who she is. She's the widow who was sent to pick up Nat the day she had to go on her mission. 

The day I killed Alyona. 

I can feel myself beginning to hyperventilate, but I can't show any weakness right now. Not in front of them. 

"This is the second part of your tests. You will be given a variety of weapons and asked to demonstrate your skills with each of them." Madame B says. 

A cart is rolled in. On it, there are many variants of guns, knives, and pretty much every weapon in existence. It's a serial killer's toy box.

I wait for more instructions, but they don't come. I guess they want me to pick and choose what I use.

Immediately, I decide not to go for the knife. All of my other tests have required me to use a knife. They bring up too many bad memories. 

So I go for the batons. I've practiced with them before, and I like using them. But it's not one of the weapons that people usually use for a kill. It'll be refreshing to use them. 

However, when the widow sees me pick them up, her mask weakens a little, showing confusion. 

I start to regret my decision, but I can't show that I'm doubting my choices. 

"You may begin."

(...) I honestly don't know how I was going to write that scene, so you get a time skip instead. :)

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