Chapter XII

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Ik this is rly late but like i said before i have a lot of exams and im mostly studying for them so sry

im warning you in advance that this chapter is probably not going to be proofread and also going to be really shitty

Natalia's POV

"How could I fucking do this? It should've been me," I say out loud, pacing the floor of the apartment.

Y/N is captured, and I have no idea where she is. I should've stayed. We could've fought them off.

Deep down, I know she was right to let herself get captured. It's the smartest play, for a lot of reasons.

But we don't know anything about the organization that took her. The head could decide to immediately murder her.

My breathing picks up as I think of the worst possible scenario. I didn't even say goodbye. I would never forgive myself if she died. It would be all my fault.

I shove those thoughts out of my mind. Y/N knew that I would be able to find her, otherwise she wouldn't have left.

However, the only way that I can find her is a path I really, really don't want to take. Just the thought of it makes me want to vomit.

The phone sits in my shaking hand. I try to think of any other option. There isn't any.

I dial the number slowly, hoping to supress the conversation I'm about to have by at least a few moments. I'm still not ready when he picks up.

"Sir?" I say quietly, my voice obviously shaky.

"Natalia. What do you need?" Dreykov's voice fills my ear, causing me to shudder.

I take a deep breath. "Y/N has let herself been captured in order to find more information about the organization that Brandon Miller owns. I need her location,"

"She let herself be captured?" he questions.

"Yes, sir," I answer.

"I'll send you her location,"

I sigh in relief. "Thank you, sir,"

"Oh, and Natalia?" he says.

"Yes, sir?"

"If you mess this up, it won't just be her who dies, understand?"

"Yes, sir,"

He hangs up, leaving me with a whole new wave of worries.

(...) is it bad that that took me a whole week to write?


I'm in what seems to be the basement of a building. My hands and legs are tied to a chair, and I'm stuck facing a one-sided mirror.

I've been here for hours, staring at my own reflection. It's a little creepy, honestly. You try staring at yourself for an hour before you start to go a little crazy.

I woke up a few hours ago, but I assume that I've also been drugged for a while, too. Meaning that it's been a little under 24 hours.

I'm bored. I wish that the person coming to interrogate would come already. At least something interesting would happen if they decided to torture me.

Eventually, someone does come in. It's not someone I've seen before, either in the files or in images I found when I was researching the company. However, he seems to be the one in charge. He has two guards behind him, both armed with guns.

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