Chapter XIII

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yk the red room shit was supposed to be like 4 or 5 chapters but its the 13th so ima just skip that entire mission and now its like 5 years later cuz im literally so lazy

i promise that some of the mission stuff will come up later like for the plot but i dont wanna write it rn

not proofread

also theres no info about when natalia left the red room so we're gonna do 23


5 years later

It's been 5 years since the first time Natalia and I were first sent out into the world together. We've been on countless missions, most of which we completed successfully. When we didn't, we recieved multiple punishments from Dreykov.

We'd stopped discussing a life without the Red Room. What used to be a conversation we'd have so many times became something unreachable. We knew that it would never happen. We would die in the Red Room, but we'd die together.

Na and I shared many moments together, some filled with anger, others filled with joy. Some so heartbreaking we couldn't bear to think about it, and some so peaceful it made me want to dance around. Sometimes, being an asassin doesn't seem so bad.

We cried together, laughed together, sang together, danced together. I don't think there was a single day when Nat and I didn't see each other. We would often joke that we got tired of each other, but it was only friendly banter. I don't know how I ever lived in a time when there wasn't her.

Even though we had been taught that love was useless, an emotion that was reserved for only the naive, we knew it was what we had for each other. Maybe we didn't express it in our words, but silence speaks more than words ever can.

(...) theres a lil intro for u guys so u kinda know whats happening

"What are you doing?" I ask, walking up to Natalia.

It's one of those rare moments where we're waiting for another mission. We don't have anything to do, so we're able to take the day off in the Red Room.

It's just like old times. We have the same room that we had all those years ago, back when we were naive little kids. Kids with hopes and dreams.

There's a distant sound of gunshots that always seems to be the background noise in the Red Room. It used to pain me, knowing that there were little girls out there, destined to this life. I became numb to it, though. Sometimes I worry that the Red Room has competely stripped me of my ability to feel.

But then I look at Nat, and the anxious thought goes away. There's no way to describe the surplus of emotions you experience when you look at someone you love.

She hums in response, flipping through the pages she's holding. "Looking at our old missions," she eventually answers.

I lie down next to her, almost spilling off the tiny bed. "Why are you doing that?"

"I'm trying to find our mistakes. I heard that the next mission is a big one, and that Dreykov will be pissed if it fails," she tells me.

Natalia. Ever the perfectionist.

I slowly take the files away from her, placing them on the ground. "Come on, Nat. We never get to spend time together," I complain.

"I see you every day, Y/N," she chuckles, leaning past me to grab the papers back.

"Yeah, but we never get to do normal things," I argue.

"I don't think you even know what the definition of normal is."

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