How I met my Friend(?) A sneak peek into N's mind

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I woke up weirded out. I didn't remember anything that happened for the past few hours. All I remembered was that our pod crashed. There was a random drone whom I assumed to be a new disassembly drone. I decided to introduce myself to this drone. "Hi, I'm Serial Designation N!" The drone looked at me and tried to hit me with an arm. "Did you just slap me with that arm?" I said, as I was a bit confused. The drone regarded me with confusion, and I chalked it up to her being nervous, but then she asked, "What is this yellow stuff on my arm?" "Oh," I said, "This is our acid, it eats away at metal, but you, as a disassembly drone, have nanites in your saliva. Just lick your wound to patch it up!" I never usually talk to strangers this much before, but this one was different. She was... cute? NO NO WAIT-
Either way I wanted to get to know her. She said, "My name is Uzi, and can we go to that pod together?" I was blushing as no drone had ever tried to go alone with me anywhere, and I was a bit confused. "Sure, I love doing anything!" I said awkwardly, as I was still flustered. We went over to the pod and when we got inside she jammed her arm into my mouth. Once she pulled it out she said, "Tell no one that this happened." I tried to say something cool. "What happened? Consider it, um, REEpresed!" It didn't work. Uzi told me to tell her everything about her coworkers. "Ok," I said, eager to talk as I was feeling awkward and wanted to do something other than think about what is happening right now. I then told her about J. "J is nice, but she can seem a bit mean. But she has acknowledged me a couple of times! And has complemented me once!" Uzi just looked at me as if she was concerned.  I didn't know why. "Isn't being acknowledged nice? Isn't someone finally noticing you good?" I thought. I then talked about V. "V is really nice, she has even talked to me more than once! And I think you will like her, she is really cool. Also she is a bit silly when she is hungry so just, don't talk to her when she is hungry, she can be kinda scary." Uzi looked at me with a confused expression and told me to lead her to the pod. After she came we started talking.

Uzi said "You should ask the workers for help, instead of all the murder!" She said, pointing at me. She also asked why we were here, so I said, "Other than ingesting their WARM SWEET oil to survive, I don't know, I just wanna be useful!" I said(and regretted). "Sorry, I'm bad at talking." Uzi then said, "What about you N? Won't the company just scrap you when they realize that you killed us all? Oh. I-I mean, them all." Suddenly, V swooped in. "Oh, V is here! I'll introduce yooooou...?" I said, wondering where Uzi had gone. After realizing she was a worker, we chased her to the doors. We then did some fighting, as I remember her words and everything was cool and I was allowed to go into town as long as I would not kill anyone, I bonded with Uzi and became friendly with her, and is it just me or is she kinda awesome and nice and cool and fun and cute and- Whoops! I got too stuck in my... mind... Umm, but yeah it was cool and bye brain, let's sink into my new dream about Uz- WAIT FRI-
I still need feedback but hopefully I made the story a bit better and alluded to what upcoming parts are like.

N x Uzi stories and shorts bc I can't sleepWhere stories live. Discover now