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I fixed my hair as danielle walked in, " you look sexy tasia "  she said

and I rolled my eyes, I was getting forced to go out

" okay come on " she said I grabbed my bag

we went outside and got inside the car

" we gotta pick up taraji and Meagan. " she said

I sighed. looking out the window

when we got there I got out getting in the back

I sat in the backseat. looking down at my phone

as Meagan got in the front and taraji got in the back

" hi " she said " hi. " I said then looking out the window

when we got there I got up out the car

Fixing my dress then walking in.

we sat at the bar. Danielle was ordering us shots,

Kyla walked in I rolled my eyes.

Danielle handed me my shot I took it

" hi tasia " she said. I didn't say anything

I just looked at her then took the rest of my shot

a song came on and Danielle and Meagan got up dancing

taraji tap me. I looked at her " why u so quiet? " she asked

" I don't know I just don't talk as much " I said

" we'll wanna dance? " she asked I thought about it and nodded

she grabbed my hand making me to the go to the dance

we started dancing I smiled

when we was done I was tired asf

taraji laughed making me laugh " it's not funny I'm tired " we said sitting down

" damn this is a lot a of liquor " she said

" I know. Come on u can take it Raji " I said hyping her up

As I got up

Kyla had pushed me on purpose

" bitch don't fucking touch me " I said pushing her back

she tried to punch me and I punch her right in her face

getting on her punching in her face a couple of times

somebody pulled me off her

" don't ever try to put ur hands on me ugly ass bitch " I said as I was getting pulled away

" tasia please calm down for me " Danielle said as we walked to the car

" n-no talk me home I wanna go h-home " I said crying I was upset.

I got back in the backseat taraji got in

she grabbed me trying to calm me down.

I closed my eyes feeling myself falling asleep

The next day

I woke up In my bed, I got up feeling my head hurts

Danielle must of took me home afterwards

I walked out my room and grabbed me a water bottle and drink some of it

after my ring was ringing. It was a number but it wasn't saved

I answered.

" hey boo it's taraji i just wanna to know if u was doing good " she asked

" I am my head just hurts what happened after I went to sleep " I said

" we'll me and Danielle had to bring u up stairs. and she changed ur clothes

and then we went home. I was going to say into u woke up but I didn't;" she said

" oh well thank you for last night and trying to take care of me " I said

" no problem, we're friends now " she said friends?

" I guess so " I said and she hanged up

we're friends

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