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I got a call 3 hours later, lt was taraji l smiled picking up the phone

I was excited to see her hair but her camera was off

" Im on the way mama. " she said she sounds like she was driving

" okay but l wanna see your hair turn you camera on " I said

" no wait lnto l get there. " she said

" that's not fair. " I said " It is just wait " she said and I nodded as she hanged up

I sighed as I turned back on my tv waiting on her to come.

20 mins later l got a knock on door l got up and went to the door

I jumped up and down " mama you look so pretty " l said as she smiled

she got her nails toes and makeup and eyebrows done

" that what told you a long time? " she nodded

" l dont know who u looking good for " l rolled my eyes. " you " she said she sat down

" l also got waxed. " she said " did it hurt? " she nodded as she got up

" l mean I have got one before so lt didn't hurt that bad.. " she open her juice

I pouted " why u pouting baby "

" you look good and l look bad " she shook her head

" no you don't u pretty asf don't ever say that " she came over to me and kissed my lips

I grabbed her pants and she stopped me " no l just got waxed" I rolled my eyes

and crossed my arms getting up going ln the room sitting on the bed.

she walked in and sit on my lap grabbing my face " stop being mad " she kissed my lips over and over

" Im not mad.. " she started to mess with my lip and I pop her hand

" stop you know l hate when u do that " she laughed

" I'm sorry but u didn't have to hit me " she was rubbing her hand

" sorry " I kissed her hand " what u doing tonight? " l asked

" um me and meagan going out tonight " she said.

" oh.. that's why u got everything done " l asked playing with my fingers

" no. I wasnt going to go at first " I shook my head okay

" why are u acting like this " I stopped playing with my fingers and looked up at her

" like what?? I'm not mad or anything " she got out my lap

" ur acting like it. are u mad that I got my hair nails and toes done? " she asked

" no. why would l? you look good and I told you that don't make it seem like lm jealous taraji l dont even roll like that. " I said

" well stop acting like you are " she said

" Im not. why are u trying to argue with me u must like arguing with me" I asked

" I don't but If u would stop acting so mad maybe we won't have to go thru this. "

I rolled my eyes " okay. " I laid down playing with my fingers l hate arguing.

She sighed. " lm leaving call me if you need anything " she kissed me on the lips

" l love you " she said leaving me in shook. she then left

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