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I woke up with fantasia no in the bed I looked around. didn't see her. I got up and went to the bathroom blush my teeth washing my face too

then turning on the shower I had brought some clothes with me. I got in the shower washing my body

after I was done I got out putting on my clothes. then taking off my scarf off my head

pulling out my curling iron plugging it up. when it got hot I fix my hair

after I was done I made a couple videos and took a couple pictures

fantasia still ain't come in the room. I put my things up carefully

then I walked out the room fantasia was in the kitchen cleaning

" good morning mama " I said making her look at me.

" good morning baby, sorry I wasn't in the bed when u woke up. "

" it's fine. along as u still here " I said smiling

" why u all dressed? " " I'm not dressed " I only had on a white tank top with some gray sweat pants

" you are it's also looks like u did ur hair " she said smiling.

" why you looking at me like that " I asked leaning on the corner

" just admiring ur beauty. Ur food in the microwave " she said

" okay " I said walking up to her " I said the microwave not my face " I busted out laughing

" girl you is food " I said kissing her lips over and over

" u better move before I fuck u up on this corner " I laughed moving

2 hours later

fantasia walked out the room with a set on.

" I'm going to get zion you coming " I nodded getting up sliding on my shoes

we walked outside as she locked the door behind her and we walked to the car

she unlocked the car door and I got in immediately plugging my phone on the ox cord

" it's not ur turn to listening to music " tasia said

" it is. u had did it 2 days ago " she pouted and rolled her eyes

" that's not fair " she started the car. " it's okay " I kissed her " put that lip back in "

she did as she was told and we drove off to go pick up zion

which I didn't know where she was

I put on jazmine my favorite girl.

" what u know about jazmine? " she asked

" that's my girl. I love her music " I said smiling

" oh " she said " u must know her " I asked and she nodded

" yea we was working on a song together once " she said

" you can sing? " she nodded

" yes, I sang around the house before maybe u didn't hear me but yes "

" here I put on my song type in when I see you or free yourself " she said

and I did seeing her pop up " u really doo " I said leaving me in shook

" yea why would I lie " she said and I pressed on a song

" girl this sounds sooo good do u still make music? " I asked looking at her

" something's, not all tho I have a child to be worry about but sure "

" u should " I said as we pulled up to someone house

fantasia called sb telling them to come outside

a few minutes later a lady come outside with Zion on her seem like she was sleep

she open the door and put her in the car seat

" she ate been change and took a bath. " she said and fantasia nodded

" thank you momma also thank you for taking care of her "

" always. Who's this pretty girl next to you "

" hi I'm taraji " I said

she looked back at fantasia and think for a second

" y'all dating? "

" yep she my girlfriend " fantasia said shooking me.


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