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a week later

I was in my bed on my computer since I didn't go to school

I just know Fantasia about to cuss me out for not coming

as I was doing my work I got a call

It was tasia i prayed before i answer she had a pout on her face

" why u didn't come today Raji " she said

" I'm sorry. I woke up late I'm coming tomorrow I promise! " I said

she smacked her teeth.

" u need to start coming to school, like for real I don't wanna keep bringing ur work "

" I'm coming tomorrow. "

she hanged up sounds a lil angry..

I texted her

T: what's wrong why u sound mad?

F: I'm not mad. I just want you to start coming to school.

T: u sure? It sound more then that?

F: t im fine. just had a rough day

T: no ur not Monique just wait into you get here


I put my phone down sighed I turned off my phone putting it down

I got up making my bed. basically cleaning up my room

after I found me some sweatpants & a shirt

I walked into the bathroom turned on the shower

making sure It was hot before taking off my clothes

I step in the shower washing my body

after my shower i got out I also washed my hair

I put on my clothes

I pulled out my blow dryer

turning it on starting to blow dry my hair

after I was done I put my hair in a bun.

Fantasia texted me saying she otw

I loved the message. I get in my bed putting on a movie.

I laughed and arguing with the tv into a I heard knocking

I got up and went to the door

I open the door " hey t " she said as she gave me my work

" hey " I said she was about to leave I grabbed her

" stop trying to run away " she rolled her eyes

" don't act like that tasia I will fuck you up "

she looked at me and fix her face quick

she walked inside the house. she had a pout on her face

" where Zion? " I asked

" with her father. I won't have her for a few days.. " she said as she pulled out her phone

I sat by her " baby ". I said she didn't answer me

so I grabbed her phone.

she looked at me with a mug " taraji give me my phone " she said trying to grab her phone

" no ur not getting it back" putting it in my sweatpants

she smacked her teeth " please? " I shook my head

I got up going in the room. I lay down turning the movie back on

she came in here and went to my closet

looking at a few shirts " get out my closet " she was still looking

" ouu I like these pjs " she said " can I have them " she asked

It was a pink silk pajama set with black things hanging out at the tip of the sleeve

" these are my favorite. but okay you can "

she smiled as she went to the restroom shutting the door behind her

okay y'all won't get a other chapter into next month 😔

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