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after Fantasia walked away. I felt bad

l didnt mean It like that? I just asked a question

Danielle walked up to me

" what's wrong with tasia she was just happy a few minutes ago? " she had a confused look

I sighed.

" um long story, but can you leave please she don't want you here and l can't say nothing about it " I said turning to him

we talked. he understand leaving

I went to look for tasia, she was siting down with a frown on her face

on her phone, I took lt making her look up she mugged me,

" give me my phone back taraji. I'm not even playing " she said with a serious tone

" no look l made him leave lm sorry, I should never said anything "

" ur right u should of never said anything. but l forgive you "

I smiled " come on we gotta cut the cake " I said

she got up and called everyone over here she grabbed zion out of her mother arms

" 3 2 1 happy birthday to you " we all sang

Fantasia started to sung with her beautiful voice

After 2 hours later we was done we played some games and gave out the candy bags

she grabbed the mic

" can I get everyone attention? " she said and everyone looked

" I wanna first start off by saying thank you to everyone that came to my baby birthday party and came to support her " she said

Everyone clapped

after the party we got in the car and zion was sleep in the back sleepy head

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