14. A Heated Debate

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"My baby..." Yorkshire whispered, slipping into her daughter's bedroom and stroking the sleeping girl's hand gently. "My poor baby..."

"M-Mum?" Northamptonshire groaned, gazing exhaustedly up at her mother, "You came back?"

"I heard what happened to you, chick..." Yorkshire whispered, embracing her daughter, "You're so like me sometimes... It'll be ok in a few days, don't you worry..."

"Mum... Am I going to be evil?"

"Everyone's the villain in someone's story, just don't make it your own. Stay true to that heart of yours, its the most beautiful thing you have," Yorkshire smiled quietly, gazing into Northamptonshire's eyes.

"That's corny..."

"I'm your mother, it's my job."

"I love you, but w-"

"WHY DID YOU TAKE MY HORSE-?" Lancashire yelled, bursting through the bedroom door and sweeping up his little girl into his arms, all while glaring into Yorkshire's soul.

"Daddddd-" Northants giggled, cuddling her father, unsure whether to ask what her mother had done this time.

"Always your dad... BUT BACK TO THE QUESTION-"

"I wanted some time before you got here, so I delayed you!" Yorkshire smiled sweetly, earning a giggle from their ill child.



"I despise you, Yorkshire." Lancashire spat, earning more laughter from both women. Maybe it wasn't so bad; yes, Yorkshire was insufferable, but his precious daughter was smiling and that's all that he truly cared about.

[Who's a better parent? Vote now for a free imaginary pat on the head!]

"Morning, Future Leader!" Nottingham giggled, throwing open England's bedroom door and bowing dramatically at the foot of England's bed!"

"It's earlyyyy-" England groaned, rubbing his eyes and trying not to giggle.

"It's 1pm-"


"Well, I hate to tell you this," Nottingham smirked, "But we need to leave soon!"

"For what?" England asked, eyes now wide with curiosity.

"Our people are battling your father's on Friday, so we need to get there early to sign the declaration!"

"Two days early...?"

"Yes! Now get up before I tell your mother!"

At those words, England sprung out of bed, ushering Nottingham away and digging out his best suit and dickie bow, fully aware that the most terrifying moment of his life would soon be upon him.

After half an hour of desperately attempting to lace up his brand new shoes ("This is exactly why we need butlers, Nottingham!"), England was ready.

"Why are we going so early?" He finally asked as his capital pulled him into their chariot.

"Well, we need to sign he paperwork one day before the battle," Nottingham began, "But the neutral powers have also requested a meeting, which is scheduled for this evening."

"Oh..." England remarked, rather surprised, "Why?"

"I expect they're scared of the upcoming war... Plus, we need one of them to witness the battle just in case it isn't clear who the victor is."

"Oh..." England fell silent after this, realising the stakes of the battle to come. He could die. Everyone could die. As much as it pained him to admit, he was afraid for the first time in his life.

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