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They followed where are the voices coming from, coming to a small window through which they can watch a big room full of people in fancy suits and dresses, a big screen behind an ugly looking man talking into microphone.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please be warned, this is the perfect blend of the two most dangerous creatures that have ever walked the earth. We call it the Indoraptor." Right after the ugly man said it, a door to his left slid open and a big cage with dinosaur none of the three survivors ever saw was pulled in on rails.

Jane watched with terror in her eyes as the armoured men electrified the new hybrid, and she can't help but wonder what is this one made of. It has similar features, teeth and figure like Inza had, though its body is a little different, like it has longer arms and claws, or that it's black instead of silver-white with orange-yellow lines going along its body on each side, like Blue. This is what they needed Blue for, but why does they need Jane for this?

"The perfect weapon for the modern age. Built for combat. With tactical responses more acute than any human soldier." Ugly man's words ran in Jane's ears, sharing a worried glance with both her friends.

"What is that thing?" Claire breathed out, turning her attention back to watch the show.

"It sure isn't cute little puppy." Once again the Grant woman got ignored, leaving her to scratch certain spot on her neck. It's itching more and more each time, not to comment she's starting to sweat a lot. What did they do to her?

"They made it. Mr. Mills and the other man." Maisie suddenly said, the three adults looking at her with brows knitted together.

"What man?" In answer Maisie pointed downstairs at a man in grey suit with his back towards them.

"Designed by Mr. Henry Wu," Like on time ugly man called, introducing the doctor to audience. "with an intelligence quotient comparable to the Velociraptor."

"That guy still lives? I thought he's retired." The comment made Claire shoot at her friend a quick look, since Wu isn't really that old.

"Biospecs include a heightened sense of smell and trained to respond to a pulse-coded laser targeting system, enabling it to isolate and track prey in complex environments."

One of the guards raised his gun with red light pointed at one of the men sitting down. "Now, first, the laser sets the target. Once locken on," The Indoraptor looked at the red dot on the man's chest, and for some reason Jane couldn't tear her eyes from the red light. "the acoustic signal triggers the attack."

The man with gun pressed a button and the Indoraptor shrieked, jumping at the man in suit if it wasn't for the cage keeping it in place. It didn't affect only the new hybrid, but to their surprise it also made Jane cover her ears on instinct.

"Argh-! Shit!" The annoying sound pushed on her headache to worse, her head throbbing. Much to their confusion, Owen wrapped his bulky arms around her smaller figure and pulled her into his chest in attempt to calm her down from whatever is going on with her while Claire rubbed Jane's shoulder and back in sympathy, as well wondering what they did to her friend.

It definitely did something to her. It's obvious, due to her scratching the exact spot every five minutes, her uncotrolable sweating and now this, reacting to an annoying beeping sound made only for Indoraptor to react. It also leads them to be worried what they wanna do with her and the Indoraptor.

"Now, modifications are still being made-" With her hearing returning back to normal with slight ringing and head still throbbing, Jane listened to the ugly man downstairs. He got cut off by one of the men in audience.

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