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So... Apparently I forgot about that reporter scene happened before the class president scene ( ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ) so ig y'all are going to have to put up with some plot divergence... Not a lot! Just a little bit.


You followed Aizawa as he led you towards the teacher's lounge.

Your spirits, along with Oboro, Eiji, and surprisingly, a few of Midoriya's spirits too, namely Nana, Daigoro, and En followed you as well. The last three were busy having a conversation with Eiji and Rina, while Oboro floated over to your side.

"[Name]-chan, I have a feeling Shouta's going to ask about my quirk that you used in the battle training."

"Jeez, you think so?" You whispered back, fear evident in your eyes but your sarcastic words made the cloud-haired boy chuckle, "I do, actually, think so. That's why... I have a favour to ask of you."

Okay, you have a slight idea where this might be going and you don't like it.

Still, you gulped down your nerves and nodded to let him know to continue. "I... need you to not let Shouta know that I'm still stuck to him."

"Uh... Why not?"

"Because if he finds out now, there's no saying just how much he'll freak out. I want to reveal myself after I've finished what I'm here for... If he finds out just why I'm stuck here, the poor guy will lose his mind in guilt."

"Not to be too nosy but like... why are you still stuck here?" Rina chimed in, making you turn to her slightly, without catching Aizawa's attention.

"It's... complicated. My body... even though I'm dead, my body is still alive. Because of this, I can't pass on to the after life unless my body is at peace."

The fuck does he mean by that?!

Unfortunately, you weren't given the chance to ask him about it, because you and Aizawa had finally reached the teacher's lounge. You were practically shaking in your boots as to what kind of an excuse you would give your brooding teacher.

However, your anxiety only doubled when you caught sight of the desperate look in his eyes as he turned to you, "[Last Name]... I'm-I'm sure you must know why I asked to talk with you here, right?"

You almost nodded but then realized that you weren't supposed to let him know about Oboro, so you immediately shook your head, making the older male sigh.

"I see... Well, it's about your quirk... And, the battle training from yesterday."

Ah... So he really does want to know.

"Y-Yes?" You urged him to speak and the man stopped for a few seconds before taking a deep breath. "I... read over your files about your quirk; Grave Robber. It's... quite something." He started, making you gulp in nervousness.

"But, I wanted to talk about your performance yesterday." His lips were set in a straight line as he spoke, "In the recordings, I saw you use a quirk, a cloud-based quirk..." He looked rather miserable, "[Last Name], please... be honest."

"Did that quirk... belong to someone named Shirakumo Oboro?"

Your breathing hitched and you found yourself unable to reply. The desperate look in his eyes as he silently begged you to give him the answer he prayed for... You couldn't help but feel yourself getting overridden with guilt when you remembered Oboro's personal request.

"I..." You started, and immediately found your mouth going completely dry. Somehow, you managed to pull enough of an act in front of your teacher.

"No... No, I'm sorry... I don't know w-who you're talking about... I-It belongs to another of my spirits... that's bounded to me." You explained, and almost immediately Aizawa's face fell as he went quiet for a good few minutes.

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