Chapter 30: Kyler

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If graduation day was a "busy day", then I have no idea what you'd want to call the frenzy everyone was in for the day of Tay and I's graduation party.

There was talk for a little while about renting one of the event spaces in town for our party, but after realizing how much stuff we'd have to drive back and forth I was more than pleased with the decision Carrie had made to just keep it at the house. We had enough anxiety moving the cupcakes from the fridge to the table, I could only imagine the panic that would ensue if we put them in a moving vehicle!

We all had our responsibilities for set-up. Taya and I made sure all the decorations went up the way we wanted them, then for every five balloons we'd inflate Mila would scoot off with one of them until Maverick carefully bopped it back over to us. Carrie rotated between making sure the food she cooked was ready and confirming which orders she had catered in had arrived. Then Mark, and if this is a "normal dad thing" then it's by far the least helpful out there, decided that the day before we were having people over was the best possible day to take a chainsaw to the half rotted tree in the Beckett's backyard.

Carrie basically went ballistic and now Mark was spending his morning dragging tree limbs over to the back of the yard to build a bonfire for tonight, which he claimed was his plan all along but I'm not sure how much I believed him.

"If he wanted to help, he could've just offered to set up the canopy," Carrie grunted as the two of us dragged the pop up tent from the garage and into the yard. She had had her moment of frazzled frustration, but had cooled back down since yesterday.

"Maybe this was the kickstart for that summer diet he said he was gonna do? I mean, he's working out and it keeps him out of all the cupcakes for now!" I suggested with a laugh, getting one in response from Carrie. She double checked to make sure I could get this by myself and I told her I'd be fine. It's a tent and I'm a lesbian, how hard could it actually be?

Turns out, it's a little more difficult than anticipated.

After battling it out with three of the four canopy legs, and some assistance from Mark, we were finally able to pop the tent up with only minor scrapes and bruises. "You can just say that you needed a man for the job," Mark told me in an overly macho voice while he puffed his chest out and cracked his knuckles.

"You wish," I scoffed before pushing his shoulder away. Mark chuffed before leaving me to go drag more tree limbs to the edge of the yard.

"Nice job out there," Taya said as I came in through the back door. She was rocking a pair of cut up jean shorts and crop top that really captured her essence of summer. The wild curls that had formed in her hair from nearly a month of not doing her hair every day for school were something I loved. I rolled my eyes at her light-hearted jab before asking if she needed any more help inside with the pictures.

Taya answered that we were all set for the most part, and all that was left was just getting ourselves ready. With that, we both split off to go get ready for our graduation party. Which basically meant that I'd be done in twenty minutes, and then I'd be laying on Taya's bed and watching her get ready for the next hour or so. I didn't mind it though, I had a pretty good view.

"You mascs have it so easy, just wake up and be hot. It's so hard being a girly," Taya sighed with sarcastic exasperation.

"Ain't easy bein' breezy," I responded while cracking a smile over at Taya. She rolled her eyes at me before going back to putting on a bright red lipstick. "But, you're the pretty one, I don't know what you're talking about."

I watched Taya roll her eyes again in the mirror before going back to doing some "finishing touches" on her face. "How do I look?" she finally asked, swiveling around with enough speed to make her curls bounce.

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