【𝟏】- ★ʜᴀᴢʙɪɴ ʜᴏᴛᴇʟ★

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Y/N was an seraphim (used to be) but she became a fallen due to other angels being jealous of her, they blamed her of doing (I don't know you choose) which wasn't true but sadly the head seraphim, Sera. Believed the angels who blamed her. Luckily her wings were not ripped off of her back (since i know some of y'all like having wings :3) And she got sent in hell.

 Luckily her wings were not ripped off of her back (since i know some of y'all like having wings :3) And she got sent in hell

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No Ones POV:

Y/N was just walking in the streets of hell with a cloak around it covering her black wings and a hoodie covering her hair and face. While she's walking she accidentally bumped into a sinner causing her to fall backwards but before she hit the ground someone caught her. And when she looked up she saw that is was a guy that wears a red pinstripe coat with dark-red lapels piped with white, which is ragged along the bottom hem. Underneath this he wears a bright red dress-shirt with a black cross on the chest, and long black dress pants with matching bright red cuffs. He also wears a dark-red oval-shaped monocle, rimmed with black, over his right eye and a smile on his face, his teeth were yellow but it didn't smell bad.

The guy looked at her and pulled her up in her feet "Are you alright my dear?" the guy asked his voice sounds like radio? Or something like that. Y/N looked up at him noticing his VERY tall probably 7 feet Y/N thought. Y/N looked up at him "I'm alright thank you.." the guy nodded and placed both his hands behind his back and walked past her. Y/N stood there looking at him up and down before looking back to the path she was walking and started walking off.

While Y/N is walking she came across a poster and came to a halt and looked at it "Hazbin hotel, want to be better and get redeemed? Then come to our hotel!". Y/N looked at it before thinking for a while and decided to go there and try it out (since she wants to go back to heaven)

After ALOT if walking she finally arrived at her destination (the hotel) and stopped infront of the door. She looked at the left side noticing some shadows or voodoo dolls? Fixing a wall. Y/N just shrugged not thinking much of it and looked back at the door. She removed her hoodie to reveal her h/c and h/l and she looked at the door Infront of her before knocking on it 3 times and waited for someone to open it.


Charlie's POV:

I was just talking to vaggie, my girlfriend. When there was a sudden knock on the door. I got excited thinking it's a New Resident to join!! I quickly rushed to the door but before i opened it i took a deep breath and fixes myself up, before reaching put and opened the door.

Y/N's POV:

A young girl opened the door She has long, blonde hair, with lighter blonde and pink highlights, which is tied into a twice-banded low ponytail. Her blonde bangs flip to her left with a curl. Before I could say something i got pulled inside by the girl. "HIIIIII!! MY NAME'S CHARLIE!! IT'S NICE TO MEET YOU!!!" charlie squealed in excitement. A girl came over and placed a hand on charlie "babe, calm down" the girl was has a ashen gray-colored skin. She had long, white hair that was styled in a shape resembling moth wings. Her hair silks down in a way that covered the left side of her face. "Sorry vaggie, i am just soooo excited!" charlie said. Charlie looked at me with a wide smile "What's your name?" i hid my wings from behind not wanting them to know I'm a fallen seraphim. "uhm..my name's Yui, nice to meet you charlie..?" i held out my hand for her to shake, she took my hand and shook it aggressively, the other girl had to calm her down i think her name was..vagina?? Uhm..Vaggie?..after charlie calmed down she took my hand and began dragging me to the center of the hotel where i spotted a bar? I thought this place is to redeem sinner- My thoughts were cut off by charlie dragging me and around the hotel with vagin- vaggie! Following behind.


After charlie showed me around i was sitting on the couch in the parlor tired of running around and getting dragged around. Charlie came up to me "O.M.G!!! I forgot to introduce you to everyone!! Be right back!" charlie left for a minute and came back with vaggie? Or vagina? I don't know "This is my Girlfriend, vaggie!" ohhh her name is vaggie.. i looked at her and stood up "hello, my name's Y/N it's nice to meet you" she just gave me a wave. Charlie was smiling widely she seems excited to have a new resident to join "Come on you haven't met everyone!!" before i protest i was dragged off again and next thing i know i was in a bar of the hotel. "this is husk the bartender!" charlie pointed at a cat with wings? He was holding a beer (cheap booze) and his head was on the counter (face flat). "And this is niffty!" i looked down and saw a small cyclops chasing a bug with a needle the cyclops saw me and ran towards me before climbing on me "Hello! My name's niffty! I clean, hehehe!" charlie nervously chuckled "we're 80% sure she's not harmless..!" charlie picked up niffty and puts her down and the cyclops ran off chasing the bug again. Charlie grabbed my hand and dragged me again to the parlor where i saw a spider demon sitting on the couch and scrolling through his phone his 7 feet tall naturally and is around 8 feet with his heels on. He is covered in fluffy, white fur and has pink spots throughout his fluff, with the three spots under his eyes being smaller eyes? "This is Angel Dust!" The spider looked up from his phone and looked at me and charlie "sup, toots." and he went back to scrolling through his phone. Charlie looked around seemingly looking for someone or something. I looked at her with a slightly raises eyebrow "are you looking for someone?" charlie looked at me and nodded "yeah! But i think alastor is busy so maybe you can meet him another time?" I looked at her and nodded. Charlie smiled "come i wanna show you your room!" charlie began walking and i followed.

Glad I wasn't dragged again this time...

After a while charlie showed me my room and gave me the keys of it. I entered the room and the first thing i spotted was the queen sized bed and a balcony a bathroom a mirror on the wall and a closet. Once Charlie left i closed the door and took off the cloak showing my black wings. I flapped it and folded it behind i went over to the closet and noticed some clothes i just shrugged and grabbed a pair of pj's And went to the bathroom to change.

After i changed i plopped down on the bed and folded my wings behind my back and slept.


(O.M.G i did it..oh woah 1256 words..😭☝🏽)

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