【𝟕】- 𝐅𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫

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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 | 𝐀𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 | 𝐀𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫

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【𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟕 -  𝐅𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫】




Angel led charlie, vaggie and niffty (husk didn't wanna come) infront of Y/N's room and crouched down and slightly opened it seeing them both in bed and cuddling each other angel looked at charlie and yelled while whispering "See! i told you !" charliue and vaggie looked surprised seeing alastor letting someone hold him and charlie's eyes sparkle "OMG! alastor is in love!" angel had a smug look on his face "i wonder when will they fuck" vaggie smacked his head "angel! enough being horny for once, i doubt they will even do that considering alastor doesn't let anyone touch him..well except her but it doesn't mean they'll fuck." angel rubbed the back of his head where vaggie hit him "you never know, toots maybe they will one day!" niffty was just ignoring the situation and chased a bug with a needle. charlie stood up and held vaggie's hand "let's leave them be, they need some rest" angel stood up "alright , let's leave these lovebirds alone then" and with that they walked off leaving Y/N and alastor alone in her room.

End Of Flashback:


Y/N's POV:

I woke up and opened my eye i sat up and realized alastor is gone but i'm still wearing my deer pajamas i got up and felt dizzy i touched my forehead and it felt hot yeah because i'm hot but it's a different kind of hot i sat back on the bed and held my head. i felt dizzy and thats when i realized i have a fever. i layed back down on the bed and grabbed the blankets. i wrapped myself around the blanket like a sushi roll feeling warm and cozy in it i closed my eyes to try and fell asleep but suddenly the door barged open causing the door to flung and hit the wall and  angel stood on the door "oops, sorry toots but you need to get up now, i wanna show ya somethin" angel walked towards the bed and looked at me "ya good?" i groaned and sat up. "no... i feel dizzy i think i have a fever" 

angel sat down beside me and placed a hand on my back "do you wanna eat something? y'know to fill you up so ya don't starve? Or maybe ask charlie if she could get you medicine" i nodded and angel picked me up I'm still wrapped around the blanket like a sushi... He walked out of my room and began walking downstairs where the lobby is. I spotted charlie and vaggie with suitcase's? Charlie spotted us and ran towards us. "Are you alright, Y/N?" she asked worried. Angel placed me on the couch "well she got a fever and i was hopin ya got some medicine to make her feel better" charlie was worried and ran to the suitcases where vaggie is standing next to and pulled out alot of medicine's even a needle..."WOAH WOAH I'M JUST SICK I'M NOT DYING!" i tried to roll away but angel grabbed me while i was wrapped around like a sushi roll charlie just grabbed a cool fever (it's a thing you placed on top of your forehead! That's what we call in the Philippines!) and a tiny medicine from the pile of medicine's and needles (or we can call it emergency kit!) charlie handed angel the cool fever and the tiny medicine but suddenly the wall explodes, freaking Angel out and charlie. Angel gets annoyed that it's the second or third time the same wall that was fixed was blown up again. "Argh! What the fuck is with that wall?!" An female outline appears from the red smoke in the now-destroyed hole on the wall, holding a bomb in her hands. "What up, hoes!" the figure laughed.

Angel Dust hears the laughter and immediately forgot to give me my fucking cool fever and medicine and looks at the figure with excitement. "Holy shit! Cherri Bomb?! Long time no see, baby!" so her name is cherri bomb? I thought.. cherri jumped into to the room "Angie, ya bitch! You been texting me depressin' shit all day! Figured we could tear shit up like old times. It's been fucking forever!" Charlie came up behind her and gives the bomb to Charlie. "Here, hold this." Charlie freaks out and plays hot potato with the bomb. "ah! Oh my god! Oh my god!" Charlie tosses the bomb back and forth in her hands until Vaggie takes it. "Nope, gimme that." Vaggie throws the bomb out of the oh-so broken wall..."I love seein' ya Cherri, but I'm too busy i need to take care of Y/N" angel walked towards me while i tried to roll away.. but Cherri stopped Infront of me "Y/N, huh?" cherri looked at angel "why can't she just come with us? Come on, what you two really need is a recharge! A reinvigoration, a re—" Cherri got cut off by charlie "Responsible night on the town! That is a great idea! Hi!" she shakes Cherri's hand "Charlie! That's my wall that you just blew up. It's so nice to meet one of Angel's friends! Aagh! He never brings anyone around." while they talk i began rolling away since i don't want to have my medicine..

I rolled towards the bar and sighed. Husk looked down at me while drinking his booze "Ya good?" i rolled over to see him and looked at him "not really i have a fever" husk just shrugged "well sucks to be you i guess" i groaned and tried to sat up. "ya need help?" i looked at him and pouted before nodding. Husk just snorted and walked towards me before picking me up and sat me on the stool. "thanks.." i layed my head on the bar counter. "ugh...my head hurts..." husk shrugged and sat next to me. "you need help?" i looked at him confused and quite surprised. "help with what?".."y'know since your sick you need someone to take care of you" i was surprised he cared "oh? Well t-thanks i guess? But i can handle my self don't worry" husk nodded and stood up. Suddenly i heard someone Scream with delight "Now!" Charlie grabs Vaggie with both arms and throws her into the portal, and as she steps a foot inside, she turns back to the guests and workers with Cherri Bomb, waving them goodbye for the day. "Bye!! And take care of Y/N!" Charlie enters the portal and vanishes on the spot just before Sir Pentious walks by with a drink in his mouth. He notices Cherri Bomb and spits out his drink in shock "Well! If it isn't my arch-nemesis! Have you come to meet your fate in battle, Cherri Bomb?" Sir Pentious doesn't notice one of Charlie's discarded luggage in his way and ends up tripping over while Cherri Bomb doesn't seem to mind about him. "Apparently, I'm going out with Angel and I gotta drag your sorry asses along." Cherri Bomb takes out a piece of gum and starts chewing. Sir Pentious hears her well, and is flustered by Cherri's suggestion. He immediately goes over to her and seemed nervous while Cherri faces him and blows a bubble. "Oh, oh, you and me are going out like for fun? I... I didn't think this would ever happen." He suddenly panicked "What-What do I do? What-What do I wear?" Sir Pentious grabs Cherri's shoulder for suggestion, but she doesn't like Sir Pentious touching her and grabs his claw to the point it seemed like she's crushing it. "Don't fuckin' touch me, ya munted dickhead." And with that, Cherri leaves behind the flustering Sir Pentious who is blushing red after Cherri touched his hand.

I chuckled and dropped down before rolling off away from the group. Suddenly i was picked up in a bridal style and when i looked up i saw it was alastor "are you alright my dear? Why are you wrapped around like a sushi and rolling around?" i was embarrassed by it and looked away "i just have a fever thats all.." alastor hummed and teleported us both back into my room and layed me down. Before snapping his fingers and the door closed and his outfit changed into the pajamas he wore yesterday night and unwrapped me from my sushi roll "i was feeling comfortable with that!" alastor chuckled and a medicine and water appeared in his hands and he gave it to me which i almost throw up but luckily i didn't and drank the water he gave and he suddenly wrapped his arms around me and snuggled close. "be quiet, dear.." i sighed and closed my eyes and felt the blanket cover us both. I felt his warmth and it felt very comfortable. I eventually fell asleep and i think he did too.

(Sorry for not posting a few days! 1509 words!)

(Sorry for not posting a few days! 1509 words!)

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬. | 𝐀𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫Where stories live. Discover now