Drama spells pt. 5

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Puss in Boots woke up drowsily almost as if he had drank too much the night before. He stirred unaware of his surroundings, or where he was. Puss then as he got to see clearer, jolted up as he saw Angelica laying next to him in bed. Puss was utterly confused, worried, and cringed in a way. "What in Shrek's swamps-" He started before Angelica yawned and smiled at him as she got up. "Morning handsome" She giggled leaning into him as Puss quickly shoved her off and scrambled off the bed. 

"Sweetie is there something wrong?" She asked. 

"What the heck happened here?! And why am I with you?!? Where's Kitty??" Puss said glaring. Angelica didn't understand, but she became angry with herself, there must have been something she did wrong in the spell. 

"Puss, I don't understand, Kitty? Your friend? Why she must be at her house." She lied trying to sound innocent. Puss almost gagged at her stupid eye batting as he knew he would have time for this later. "You mean, my GIRLFRIEND." Puss said as he collected his stuff. 

"I don't know what is going on, but I can't remember anything since two nights ago, and around then, we were playing with magic." He hissed. "I am going to find out, and I expect some words from you by the time I come back." He said as he left. 

Angelica kept a sad little pussy cat face on until Puss slammedcthe root behind him. It was then that she screamed in anger, as she stomped towards her small desk where she kept hidden the spell book that Team Friendship stole, as she flipped through it, trying to think how she would get herself out of this. 


Puss ran and ran all the way to the hideout of Team Friendship. He burst open the door thinking it was empty, but to his relief he saw Perrito sleeping, but you could tell he was not really sleeping. "Perrito?" Puss whispered. "Go away." Perrito said which cut Puss's heart in two. He would never have ever expected those words to come out his mouth. 

"Please Perrito, I think this was a misunderstanding, help me find Kitty!" He begged as Perrito finally looked at Puss. "Really?" He said sniffing. 

"I promise." Puss said holding out his paw to him. 


Kitty's ears twitched as she yawned her adorable kitten yawn rising form the bed as well, she was happy with Sebastian, but her heart still ached at the thought of Puss, she still felt horrible about leaving Perrito. She almost felt as if she didn't know who she was any longer. 

"Morning babe. " Sebastian said as he kissed her cheek and hopped out of bed. "Sebastian.... I- I don't really know how to put this, but, I still miss him." She say trying for her voice not to crack. "Oh Kitty, it's okay, he hurt you badly, I get it, but I promise, will get through it together. No matter what it takes, thief to thief." He said cupping her face and kissing her all over. Kitty purred as she felt tears of bitterness, but at the same time happiness fall down her face. 

Suddenly, Sebastian's ears twitched to the sound of the door being brutally broken down. He jumped up grabbing his sword and going down the stairs as Kitty followed. 

"What the-" Sebastian said as Puss, Perrito, and Angelica broke through. The splinters of wood flew everywhere as Puss stood huffing in anger grabbing Angelica's wrist. He yanked her back into Sebastian's house, her face was ashamed, as the poor male bandits face was utterly confused. 

"You disgusting bastard, get your hands of my girl." Puss spat pointing his sword at the male bandit, his eyes were in splits, but not from the spell. Kitty then blocked his coming strike with hers. "What are you doing here, and what do you want?!" She demanded growling at both Angelica and Puss. She was in no mood to talk. 

Puss's heart sank seeing Kitty in this state of battle, with herself, and with almost everyone in the room. "Kitty please! I can explain." He said withdrawing his sword. 

"Talk." She said coldly taking no chances. "But this has nothing to do with Sebastian." She defended. "You can't promise him that." Sebastian said knowing he and Angelica were at a dead end. "YOU WHAT?!" Kitty said now putting her sword back. 

"Speak now." She said angrily as Angelica interviened like the idiot that she was. "Sebastian decided that he wanted to cast a love spell on Puss to fall in love with me, so that you would love him!" She lied as Sebastian was furious realizing the deep betrayal that was taking place. 

"That not true! And you know it isn't! You said the Puss was treating Kitty like trash, and it would be safe for me to be with her!" The argument was now rising between Sebastian and Angelica as Kitty and Puss's eyes darted back and fourth upon them. Eventually in the midst of the heated argument, Kitty turned to Puss. 

"Is it true? Were you under a spell?" She asked not showing emotion. "I think that would be the only reasonable explanation? I mean, to be honest, I can't remember anything since the night of the spell casting." Puss said looking down. "Besides, why would I date someone who is way less beautiful than you?" He asked as Kitty raised her eyebrow. "You can save the flattering for later." She said seriously, but with a smile. 

They focused back to the argument that waa getting nowhere, when Pus broke the silence. "ENOUGH!" He shouted as they stopped. "We may not be able to know who is telling the truth here, but we can agree that this whole mess was BOTH of your faults, so if you excuse us, we would like to carry on with our lives instead of wasting them on trying to discuss some sort of spell catastrophe." He said as he grabbed to spell book in his belt and took Perrito and Kitty back to the hideout leaving Angelica looking pridully defiant, and Sebastian ashamed and angry. Anyone knew that Angelica was really a monster that she would do something so terrible tjust to win someone's heart. Sometimes, you just have to move on. 


"Kitty, I-I can't say I'm sorry, because I can't remember anything, but from what I've heard of, I was cursed." Puss said while he got a glass of water. "Don't be sorry, I'm the one who should be sorry, I didn't stick by your side, or try to find out what was going on, instead I-" Kitty stopped she felt as if she would cry if she kept on going. Puss held his finger to her lips shushing her. 

"It's okay, we both didn't know any better, and we both know that playing with magic should no longer happen." He chuckled as he hugged her and she hugged back. "So everything is fine now?" Perrito asked as Puss joined him in the hug. "Yes Perrito, were both sorry." He said in almost a whisper. 

Far off in the distance, Sebastian's guilt stayed strong. Sooner or later, we was bound to make things right with all of them, even if it meant leaving Angelica's bandit group. 

Okay! He will appear in another oneshot soon enough where they make things right, next up is another AU! Enjoy! 

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