Lost Royalty Pt. 3

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Puss walked up to the sunny bright village as he saw that all the people were fairly happy. The streets were beautiful As the children played happily amongst them. "They must have a good Kingdom" Puss thought. As Puss wandered more and more, he realized that he didn't have a lot of clues. He didn't know his first name, or last name at all. As he stepped into the busy streets, he continued his thinking. He worried deeply about Perrito and Kitty, what would they think of him. He hopped they'd understand. 

Just as he was about to wander up further, he realized that it became fairly quiet, someone finally spoke up. "Why, my boy, I know this might sound outrages, but are you a relative to King Christopher?" He asked coming closer. Puss whipped himself around to the man talking to him. 

"Uhm, no...?" He said hesitantly not knowing who the man was. "Very well then, I'm sorry for taking up your time." He said as the people began to bustle about once more. Puss slowly walked away thinking about what had just happened. He knew that sword fighting was a natural hobby he'd enjoyed since childhood. Maybe that would help. 


As nightfall came, Puss still hadnt gathered the courage to ask for a place to stay, so he sat on a couple stairs about to fall asleep worried, but just as his eyes were closing, the house door opened revealing a white Kitten with bright blue eyes that looked too familiar popped out. 

"Excuse me sir, do you have a place to stay?" She asked in her quiet little voice. "No, I actually don't." Puss said gaining hope. "Mama can he stay with us?" The little gatita said to her mother who was coming to the door. "Oh my." She gasped at the sight of him. Puss shrunk hoping that he didn't look like a creep. 

"Would you like to stay with us senior?" She asked him sweetly. "Well, yes, I'd love to, I've been traveling for a little while and I was hoping that someone would offer." He said kindly as they let him in. "Of course, we will always be open for hospitality." She said as the little girl giggled delighted when he came into the home.

Sooner than later the father came in with a serious look on his face. "Delilah, we can't just accept some random street liver into our home." He said shocked. Puss could feel his anger rile up but he managed to push it down. "Please sir, I just need a place to stay for one night." He pleaded as the older Cat nodded. "But if you lay any hands on my wife or my daughter, your dead." He said walking away coldly as Puss gulped. Maybe this town wasn't so perfect after all. 

"Please, sit down, I have some warm soup for you." She said surprising him. "Oh thankyou, but really, you don't have to." He said. "It's my pleasure." She winked as he sat down. After a couple bites, he looked up to see the little girl keenly watching him, he tried not to laugh at how cute he was. 

"And what's your name?" He asked as she giggled. "Dulciena!" She exclaimed as he chocked on the soup. "D-Dulciena?" He asked as she nodded and smiled. No wonder her face looked so familiar. "And what's yours?" She asked. "Uh-uhm...Chistorpher?" He said before hitting his forehead. "Why didn't I choose a different name??!" He wondered. 

"Oh! Just like the king!" She exclaimed happily as she pointed to a wall decorated with pictures of the king including statues. Puss's eyes widened as he saw the same proud face that he saw in his vision. "He... He's the king?!" Puss asked coming closer and touching to picture. 

"Yep!" She smiled. "I see your family are big supporters of him hm?" He asked turning to her. "Everyone is, he is a very good king." She said before her mother called her to bed. "Goodnight Mr Christopher." She giggled. Puss smiled, he now knew where to go, all thanks to Dulciena. 


Later that night, Puss tossed and turned in his sleep. He thought about Perrito and Kitty, he thought about his parents, angry that they abandoned him. He thought about little Dulciena, and how she had a sad future ahead of her. He began to think this whole adventure was a bad idea. 

Okay! Here we go! 

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