chapter three

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Madison POV:

Madison has liked Nika for a while now. The Croatian has that effect on people considering the amount of edits that Madison sees. She is so nice and even more stunning. Nika has been showing an interest recently and Madison has a plan to make a move tonight. When the team is away for games, the managers room together. Madison is with her friend, Erin. Erin knows about Madison's plan. She is leaving at 9 so Madison has the room to herself and can invite Nika over to watch a movie.

"Are you excited for tonight?" Erin asks, gathering a few things before she leaves for KK's room.

"No, I'm freaking out. What if she only likes me as a friend? What if this ruins our friendship? What if it makes me a total outcast to the team and they all make fun of me?" Madison says while pacing around the small hotel room, about to start crying.

"I've seen the way she looks at you. She likes you, Madison. Everyone knows it. Paige has said things to me about it before, I guess the whole team makes fun of her behind her back. She would be stupid not to go out with you. You got this," Erin says before patting her on the back and leaving before Nika comes.

Madison hears a knock on the door and jumps up immediately and knocks over her perfume bottle that she was just using to make sure she smelled amazing for the most perfect girl. She grabbed the pink roses quickly and put them behind her back quickly before opening the door.

"Hey," Madison says shyly, while handing Nika the handpicked roses.

"Oh my goodness, you didn't have to do this. What are these for?" Nika asks while her Croatian accent comes through, revealing she is nervous.

"Just because," Madison says while smirking and hopping on to the bed. NIka follows after her but sits towards the foot of the bed.

The two girls sit there for about an hour, barely talking and mostly scrolling on their phones.

"Can we address the elephant in the room?" Nika asks, while putting her phone down on the bed and taking Madison's out of her hand.

"Sure, what's up?" Madison asks, her full attention on the beautiful brown eyes that are staring at her.

"You know what's up. We all do. At least I do. WHat was the real reason you invited only me over tonight? Usually you invite everyone," Nika asks while fixing her ponytail.

"I had a plan. But I got nervous..." Madison responds.

"Don't be nervous. Why are you nervous?"

"Look at you..." Madison says while biting her lip.

Nika looks up at her since she was twiddling her thumbs before. She moves closer to Madison and places a soft and gentle kiss on her lips.

Madison pulled her closer and put her arm around Nika's shoulder.

"Croatian, will you be my girlfriend?" Madison asks while whispering into her ear.

"Of course. I've been waiting for you to ask since the day I met you. Ask Paige," Nika says while blushing, something that always made Madison's heart stop.

"Okay, simp," Madison says while playing with a piece of Nika's hair that had fallen out of her ponytail.

"Shh," Nika says while falling asleep in Madison's arms. She couldn't be happier in this moment.

Madison: She is finally mine

Erin: Took you long enough

Madison: Needed to make sure the Croatian wanted me

Erin: I told you she did

Madison: She clearly did since she made the first move ;)

Erin: WOAH

Madison: Just an innocent little kiss

Erin: When can I come back?

Madison: Whenever you want, she's asleep in my arms rn

Erin: Don't move too fast please

Madison: I won't

Erin: Also do NOT break her heart

Madison: Paige would kill me

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