Chapter 5

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He was in trouble.

Scratch that—he was fucking doomed.

Not only did his comms get crushed when a dumb stupid villain punched him in the face, knocking it from his ear and falling twenty feet to the ground. Nooooo. He also got flung into a building and went through it as if his body was suddenly a wrecking ball.

“Damn, bro! You okay?” Kirishima said, helping him to his feet. He leaned heavily onto the hardened hero. His back was all messed up and his head was throbbing. Push pass all that and he was good but he knew that Izuku was going to kick his ass.

Katsuki grunted in pain as he reached in his pocket, praying to the Gods above that his phone still worked. Pikachu, Pinky and Tapeface all joined the party, helping him where they could. For the first time in his life, he was scared to answer Izuku’s call.

Katsuki watched the phone call end, sending the nerd to voicemail only for it to reappear with Deku💚. Fuck! Pressing accept, he put it on speaker. “Hey baby, you’re on speaker so behave.”

Without missing a damn fucking beat, the nerd clicked his tongue, “Or what, you’ll spank me?” Denki and Kirishima both choked on their spit, and he was hoping they died from it. Mina giggled under her hand and Sero just looked surprised.

He never officially told the idiots he was dating anyone... but no time like the damn present. “Deku—”

“Oh no, sir.” Izuku interrupted him. “Not only did you break your comms but didn’t answer your phone! No one had eyes on you and then I find out you went through a building! A BUILDING!” Others around him gave him weird looks, side eyes and questioning stares. The number one explosive hero was being yelled and he was just taking it up the ass. But he knew that under all the scolding Izuku was just scared shitless. He was blind, stuck behind the screen. No one knew that Izuku yelled at him out of love with a voice thick with tears he was holding back.

The two of them just passed their three month mark of dating. Things were so fucking good that he invited Izuku to move in with him. The nerd instantly said yes and burst into tears. In that time, there was something he learned about Izuku, something he didn’t like.

Izuku liked to bury his feelings inside, hiding them away from eyes around him.

Katsuki gripped the phone in his barley gloved hand listening to his boyfriend go on and on about how reckless he was.

“Is anyone going to say something—” Katsuki shot a deadly glare to Tapeface and quickly shut him up. He didn’t even have the energy to take the phone off speaker. It was just too much fucking work.

“Mon amour...” He whispered in French. Yes, he knew some French. “Breathe, darling.” The group of idiots didn’t even try to hide their gasps. “I’m okay. I’m fucking banged up but no slow class idiot villain will take me away from you, baby cakes.”

Izuku finally cracked. A sharp intake of air followed by a soft sob escaping his lips before he pressed the mute button on his headset.

“Tapeface, Pikachu! Fucking damage control. Pinky go with the damn cops and villain.” That quirk was a pain in the ass and he didn’t want to deal with it again. “And you, shitty hair, get me into a fucking car.”

“Bro! You need a—”

“I got a broken ankle and most likely foot.” He said to his partner. His hands moved up his legs, gently feeling. “Swollen left knee, small lacerations.”

“H-He said his back hurt.” Izuku blurted out.

The medic gave him a gentle smile. “I’ll make note and put a collar on him. Thank you.” The collar went on and a blanket over his body before he was buckled in. “We’re ready to move, Red Riot will you be riding along?”

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