rush to survive

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Kunikida was a math teacher it was a Monday morning his 'favorite' day of the week, not. He made a cup of Joe (sorry I love saying that) and gulped it down with an Asian pear he got on his clothes and brushed his teeth then got his coat and bag leaving into the hallway bumping into a small height ginger "hey! watch where you're going!" the ginger yelped "I am so sorry I was in a rush I wasn't looking are you alright?!" kunikida said offering his hand to help him up "hmph.." chuuya said getting up by himself the man had a terrible haircut but who didn't in this au his hair was a shining orange and his left eye was brown and his right was blue he was stunning.

"Again sir I am so sorry!" Kunikida said grabbing chuuyas hat off the floor and giving it to him "thanks, and don't worry bout it." Chuuya said grabbing and putting on his hat then their was a groan from the end of the hallway.

The two men both looked in that direction "hm?" Chuuya murmured getting closer kunikida followed then there was a moan chuuya scoffed "in the middle of the hallway c'mon.." "Dammit now I'm going to be late.." Kunikida groaned "hey I know a different way out follow me" chuuya said turning around and going to the fire exit "thank you sir" kunikida said following "no problem man" chuuya replied opening the window at the end of the hallway climbing onto the dark green metal platform grabbing kunikidas hand as kunikida got on with him letting go of the others hand.

Chuuya got on his knees about to let down the later when he saw someone who has a chunk of their head missing chuuya covered his mouth disgusted chuuya got up sick to his stomach "sir are you okay what happened?" Kunikida helped chuuya regain his balance kunikida looked over the edge frightened "what the fuck.." Kunikida whispered holding chuuya tight both men in a cold sweat.

The person looked up at the two smiling wide blood creeping out of his mouth his lifeless cold eyes were creepy and his pale skin was frightening the man ran to the side of the building and tried climbing up it attracting others like it to him them doing the same thing.

Kunikida stumbled but moved quickly chuuya followed him kunikida rushed into his apartment pushing chuuya in with him locking and closing the door behind him.

They were both terrified and disgusted "what the hell was that!" Chuuya exclaimed running to the window looking at the creatures kunikida grabbed him back "wait don't let them see you what if they break in!" Kunikida said holding chuuya back chuuya pushed him off "yeah I guess you're right.." Chuuya backed up from the view of the window. 

"Uhm try to make yourself comfortable sir I need to make a phone call." Kunikida said going to a different room "yeah sure thanks.." Chuuya said sitting on the couch after brushing it off a bit.

Kunikida pressed in the schools number but got no answer he tried again... No.. Answer so he left an email and got back to chuuya. "Sorry I never introduced myself, my name is Kunikida Doppo, and you are?" Kunikida asked. "Chuuya Nakahara, Nice to meet you Doppo." Chuuya replied "To you as well Nakahara." Kunikida replied holding out his hand for the other to shake.

They shook each other's hand smiling. Then they heard a scream of a small girls "DADDY HELP!" she shrieked sobbing kunikida rushed but chuuya held him back "wait Doppo!" Chuuya said but kunikida pushed him off running to the door and leaving chuuya cursed and followed with a kitchen knife.

Kunikida rushed to the sobbing and saw a girl in the corner crying she was covered in blood her hair was a strawberry orange and her cheeks were a rosy pink (y'all know who this is‼️)

668 words

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