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Kunikida picked up the girl and ran back to the apartment as chuuya went back in as well kunikida sat the girl on the couch getting her water and some bread and tissues rubbing her back softly "hey are you hurt what happened?" Kunikida asked chuuya sat next to the girl giving her tissues and wiping her tears "hey you're safe now it's okay" chuuya said.

The girl calmed down a little after a while eating the bread and drinking the water sniffling. "Now that you're calmed down what's your name you're safe here it's okay" kunikida said looking at her kunikida had much experience calming down children of all ages as a teacher throughout the years "m-my name is Aya.." The girl said "well Aya are you hurt anywhere?" Kunikida said "n-no but my dad was attacked we need to help him please!" Aya said panicking "hey hey Aya I cannot trust your father is okay but we will find and help your dad alright don't panic it'll make the situation worse okay?" Kunikida said patting her shoulder.

"O-okay thank you sir.." Aya said "my name is Kunikida and the other man is Chuuya" kunikida said "thank you Kunikida and Chuuya.." Aya said finishing the bread and water then there was banging on the door and groans.

Chuuya got up and locked the door looking out the eye hole. It's one of those things. Chuuya blocked the door with a bookshelf. "Doppo they know we need to leave!" Chuuya whispered to kunikida. Kunikida nodded "okay Aya we are going to go somewhere safer okay but we will find your father alright?" Kunikida assured the girl and got up going to his kitchen with a suitcase grabbing food, water, protection, and more things. Chuuya got Aya and grabbed her hand leading her to the window as kunikida followed once he got the suitcase packed with necessities.

Chuuya climbed out the window and onto the ledge checking if there was anything, it was clear "Hey kid are you okay with getting on my shoulders so I can get to the ladder?" Chuuya asked. Aya nodded,kunikida picked Aya up and put her on Chuuyas shoulders as Aya held on tight chuuya started to shuffle over to the ladder grabbing on to it. He climbed down it to a platform putting Aya down "you alright?" Chuuya asked Aya. She nodded smiling kunikida threw the suitcase to chuuya and he caught it.

Kunikida climbed over to the platform. And grabbed the suitcase chuuya started to climb down Aya following then kunikida. Kunikida made his way to his car reaching into his pocket "crap.. " kunikida dropped his keys in the hallway.

"It's alright we can take my car" chuuya said taking out his keys "ah thanks" kunikida said following chuuya to his car with Aya. It was a red car with a red motorcycle strapped to the top.

Kunikida got in the passengers seat and Aya got in the back chuuya got in the drivers seat and turned on the engine which attracted those creatures "shit" chuuya groaned seeing those things running towards the car chuuya slammed on the gas pedal running the things over kunikida held onto the seat buckle buckling up "Aya do you have your seat belt on!?" Kunikida asked as chuuya drives like a maniac "yeah!" She replied.

Chuuya calmed his driving down once they got out of the city. Kunikida sighed pulling out his phone again to see if he got an email back or a voicemail or something but nothing but he saw an email from on of his students "Mr.Doppo please help us we're trapped in the classroom and there's banging at the door" the email read "Nakahara turn the car around and go to the high school near the center of the city!" Kunikida demanded. "No Are you insane! The apartments were covered in those creatures when we left imagine what the school will look like!" Chuuya replied "my students need my help turn back!" Kunikida yelled "your students are probably dead or those things by now!" Chuuya replied kunikida had enough and unbuckled his seat belt sitting on chuuya and turning the car around.

"What the hell are you doing Doppo?!" Chuuya shrieked "saving innocent children from those creatures!" Kunikida replied dashing the car to the school "hey stop driving like that you're going to fling me out the window!" Aya said but kunikida kept driving once they were there it was crowded kunikida jumped out of the car and ran to the school building Aya running after chuuya groaned and locked the car.

774 words

neighbors {apocalypse au}Where stories live. Discover now