good night.

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Chuuya cuddled up to kunikida. "Nakahara.." Kunikida whispered "sorry.." Chuuya said he was about to let go but kunikida held him "I was just surprised don't back away if you're comfortable." Kunikida said. Chuuya snuggled up into kunikidas neck. "Your skin is soft like silk Doppo.." Chuuya said gliding his finger tips across his arm. Thank you nakahara I use lotion after showering on my skin each day but I forgot to pack it when we left.." Kunikida replied.

"I'm sure your skin can go without a day or two of lotion.." Chuuya said "hopefully.." Kunikida said "I like you Nakahara.." Kunikida said petting chuuyas hair "I like you too Doppo..." Chuuya replied looking up at kunikida "I know we've just met but I'm curious..." Kunikida said looking at chuuyas lips. "Just one and we'll never talk about it again okay?" Chuuya said "are you positive?" Kunikida asked "yes.. I want to know what your lips feel like.." Chuuya replied.

Kunikida grasped chuuyas hands softly and leaned down chuuya leaned up an inch away from kissing him then he manned up and did it connecting them together after half a minute they pulled back both were hot and red in the cheeks. Chuuya wiped off some saliva on kunikidas lips with his thumb. Then they went back in chuuya placed his hands on kunikidas cheeks softly kunikidas hands went to chuuyas waist as chuuya get on top of him.

(Off topic my friend was reading this and had a seizure /j)

Aya was in her room she woke up her stomach growling it was really dark. She stood up and opened her door she didn't hear anything from the other room so she thought they were asleep  she looked around what seemed like a kitchen.
She opened cabinets the only thing she found was dusty stale crackers. 'They'll have to do." Aya thought bringing them back to her room.

Meanwhile kunikida and chuuya were mindlessly making out they were hungry, tired, and thirsty their minds were empty from needing those things. They were holding each other taking gasps when they were out of air at times. After 6 minutes they stop to take deeper breaths. "Let's not talk about this.." Chuuya said "I agree.." Kunikida replied getting chuuya off him.

"Good night Nakahara.."

"Good night Doppo.."

388 words

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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