if there was a god why make this life miserable

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Kunikida ran to each class room organs and blood were scattered everywhere with lifeless bodies of students and teachers kunikida felt his stomach turn he turned the corner to the hallway his classroom was in.


All of them.


Kunikida saw the flesh and inside of those innocent kids why did they deserve this they were innocent even the troubled kids they were just kids 'why? Why? WHY? God if you are listening answer my question on why they were CHILDREN and they are dead with their guts and blood on the ground, floor, walls, everything. Why must we live in such a brutal life? Kunikida questioned in his mind "MR.KUNIKIDA!" there was the sound of a thumbs kunikida looked behind him Aya was holding a chair and one of the things was on the floor Kunikida grabbed Ayas arm running out of the building chuuya unlocked the car seeing the two he shoved her in the car with tears in his eyes he got in the passengers seat.

Chuuya took that as the signal to get the fuck out of there and he started to drive. "Kunikida I'm sorry about what I said I didn't mean it." Chuuya said "you were right though it was stupid of me to go back.." Kunikida replied "you're a good man kunikida you thought they were alive and you wanted to risk your life to save them." Chuuya said smiling at kunikida "thank you Nakahara..." Kunikida sighed looking out the window.

Chuuya drove for hours for at least a sign of a house with people that are alive or an empty house nothing was found it was tiring chuuya was very tired. "Kunikida can you drive I keep dozing off." Chuuya mumbled "yeah." Kunikida responded as chuuya pulled over to the side of the road. Chuuya got out as well as kunikida they both switched seats and kunikida started driving as Chuuya dozed off.

After an hour or two kunikida saw an old shack it looked empty and abandoned. He pulled over to it and got out Aya looked at him "did we find something?" Aya asked "hopefully stay here if something comes stab it with something sharp or hit it with something okay?" Kunikida said and Aya nodded grabbing her phone from her pocket which was dead but still useful as protection kunikida gave a thumbs up and left closing the door behind him.

While kunikida was exploring the shack chuuya woke up "Hey kid where are we?" He asked yawning "kunikida is exploring that shack I think we found something!" Aya said "hm how long has it been?" Chuuya asked "only a couple seconds maybe 30?" Aya replied "ah okay" chuuya nodded looking out the window at the shack after a minute kunikida came out smiling and running back to the car.

"This place is safe to rest for the night and good morning Nakahara." Kunikida said chuuya chuckled waving him off and getting out of the car.

Aya followed the two inside the shack it was dusty and old but not falling completely apart good enough. There was a kitchen a small bathroom and two small rooms in the shack "Aya do you want one of us in a room with you or do you just wanna be by yourself for the night?" Kunikida asked "alone I can handle any bad guy that comes in and wack them in the head!" Aya said kunikida pat her head "I know you will but if you need me or Nakahara we'll be in the other room alright?" Kunikida replied, Aya nodded and went into a room it was small but big enough for a ten year old like herself to sleep in.

Kunikida and chuuya went into a room "shoot I forgot the suit case in the car I'll be right back" kunikida said "take your time man" chuuya said sitting on the dusty floor. Kunikida walked to the car and got out the suitcase then went back in the house to see chuuya sleep on the floor his head on his coat and his hat on the floor next to him.

Kunikida picked up the sleeping man he was really light for his age and height kunikida put chuuya on a sleeping bag. Then he went to Ayas room knocking "Aya I have a sleeping bag if you want it. " kunikida said Aya opened the door and grabbed the sleeping bag "thank you Mr. Kunikida!" Aya said shutting the door and got on the sleeping bag kunikida went back to his and Chuuyas room going to sleep on the floor he only had two the other two were more important than him in his head.

Chuuya kept waking up in the night the first time he saw kunikida sleeping on the floor it was really cold the second time kunikida was awake writing in a book "what are you writing?" Chuuya murmured quietly "fixing my schedule" kunikida replied "ah that's nice..." Chuuya yawned softly chuuya got closer to him when he was tired chuuya would get all cuddly and soft if he was around the right person.

Kunikida sighed rubbing his eye under his glasses. "You tired?" Chuuya asked, kunikida nodded "I just can't sleep.." Kunikida said "here take the sleeping bag I'll be fine without it" chuuya said "no it's not that it's all that we've seen today I'm scared for that girl she has seen so much blood and guts and dead people she'll be traumatized for the rest of her life and those poor students... If I could've been on time I couldv-" kunikida was cut off by and finger on his mouth. Kunikida you can't blame yourself for everything everything is not okay but it doesn't mean it's your fault." Chuuya said kunikida sighed "I know but-" kunikida was cut off again "stop. Just relax and get some rest tonight okay?" Chuuya said "I still can't sleep I know it's not my fault but I don't know why u can't sleep.." Kunikida said looking at chuuya "do you need someone to hug?" Chuuya asked  "kinda yeah." Kunikida replied and both men embraced each other in a hug.

1061 words I don't know about you guys but I'm gonna cuddle up with my sigma plushie and fall asleep wishing I was with my wonderful girlfriend good night everyone

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